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Everything posted by moos54

  1. From time to time, I talk to myself, is it serious, doctor? but that's why I really like Octavia, we have this madness in common 😁 For this, I agree with you that to have a real roomate apartment, each of the girls should be able to have their own room
  2. I never explicitly said that you were idiot, I simply returned the compliment you were giving to a participant by asking you a question, if you felt targeted then it is up to you and your conscience, but that means that you felt concerned If you had nothing to reproach yourself for, my comment would have gone over your head and you would have been ironic about it, instead you responded defensively, which shows that you were wrong but that you didn't didn't want to admit it 😁, maybe you need a little second degree, it wouldn't hurt, because I'm full of it 🤣 Now I would like to ask you something, was Wolf alone or accompanied by others when moving this table? Was he still alone when everyone left? the answer is no but yet it is he alone who takes the blame, why? Personally, I saw your comment and looking at B7, I saw the girls arriving to put a blanket on the ground, which proves that the movement of the table was completely planned and that it was certainly not done for prevent you from seeing this famous table but for another reason Compared to last night, do you understand what they are saying to each other to determine that he is really an idiot in relation to the events? don't you think that girls know what they do in the presence of Wolf or Lacrim? don't tell me that their presence doesn't bring curiosity and therefore views for the cameras, because apparently if you haven't understood it, I think that the girl and boy participants really understood the concept well
  3. i want to say one thing, she's topless in the living room right now 😁 but i don't understand what do you mean about two girls who need to be very open and comfortable with the cameras, what do you want? fake girls like certain Barcelona girls or like Olimpia and Annet? no thanks, Vladellia is more interressant than all these girls
  4. I don't see any of the girls being camera shy, just because a girl doesn't masturbate doesn't mean she's necessarily shy If you look, she doesn't try to hide when she takes a shower and she often sleeps topless like Elli, she often has friends over and she's even had a visit from her parents That doesn't really look like a shy girl for me If you want a shy girl or even afraid of the cameras, just look at Bella even as a guest, she went to change off camera before joining Megan and Sambuka to sleep this night
  5. Elle s'est blessée à l'intérieur de l'appartement en ouvrant un carton, elle s'est mise un coup de cutter ou de ciseau dans sa jambe, elle s'est bien entaillé la jambe car ça saignait beaucoup, le soir même, des infirmiers sont venus car elle n'arrivait plus à marcher Tout ne tourne pas autour du sexe
  6. Always the same accusation which suits well instead of facing your own mistakes You insult a participant for doing something when in the end what he did was justified a few minutes later by the arrival of Sara and Karma Instead of accepting this mistake that you made by speaking too quickly once again, you prefer to accuse me of something nonexistent because unlike you I remain factual And so you haven't really answered the question of who really comes across as an idiot? But i think we know the answer
  7. Now you know why he moved the table Who is the idiot now?
  8. It’s still the girl who was the most absent when she was a participant who became the girl most present as a guest 🤣
  9. Octavia in white, tenant in B1 Karma, tenant in B4 Beatrice is the girl in grey, she is just a guest
  10. Playing war with fake weapons and waging war for real with real weapons are still two different things, whether they are Ukrainians or not, moreover they are not all Ukrainians Besides, we don't really know how long they have been living in Poland, if that turns out they have been there since long before the start of this war. In fact you simply blame them for being young and having fun in a country where they can while some of them come from a country at war, but not everyone is cut out for this kind of thing. , and I'm not sure that real fighters really need people who are just cannon fodder
  11. yes, just you 😁 it's two different things, Airsoft is a game, War is real life i am playing also paintball in real life but i am not a soldier either and if my country is in war, i can't do anything in battle field
  12. Do you miss their argument that starts in the morning and ends in the evening? 🤣
  13. What did I say at the time on CC about giving moderation rights to the wrong people? I saw it long before you that it would end like this 😏 The forum is still active on CC so if people want to come back and discuss on it, they can still do so
  14. We can surely have something "real" with Cecilia with the presence of her boyfriend, that will change from the rest of the time where she is as fake as Radislava or Fiora 😁
  15. Yes, but you still don't like paying to see their real life inside either, since you complain every time a girl gets a visit from a guy, whether he's a date or a boyfriend This is mainly what I am trying to make you understand but you seem to be failing to understand this
  16. I forgot that you are allergic to people's real lives, you only like the fantasy that these girls have no life outside of rlc
  17. Margo plays sports at B4, strangely no one complains about her presence and asks her to go home as we can see for other people 😁
  18. I always try to do my best We may not see things the same way but we can express our disagreements in a civilized way. Unfortunately I am afraid that many have forgotten this when they came
  19. Stop lying, you're doing it to us every time we find out who you really are, we could throw you out by the door and you'll come back through the window 🤣 I have only just realized today who you are by the way you seek conflict towards me, already yesterday your post filled with insults towards my person gave me a flea in my ear You still play the victim when you are the first to want to seek conflict and you lose all credibility in your words Now that I know who I'm dealing with, I won't waste any more time trying to make you understand the things in life because you don't care, especially if it comes from me What's funny is that I see people who say the same thing as me but they don't receive any insults from you it's true that I am the demon incarnate on this forum and I really scare everyone and if people quite often like my words it is only because I am an ugly dictator who imposes my ideas on people under fear to exclude them from the forum 🤣
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