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Everything posted by moos54

  1. At least, Ginger had sex on cam for real 😏
  2. Thanks for the compliment 🤣 I believe that this forum is free, so everyone has the right to say what they think, and therefore to be critical of people who criticize 😁 Damn i interfere 🤪
  3. Si tu regarde le comportement de Maksim, il est comme cela avec toutes les personnes qui vient dans l'appartement, il a agit de la même manière avec la copine de Leia, je pense que ce comportement avec les autres n'est qu'une simple façade pour be pas montrer aux autres qu'ils a des problèmes Mais c'est sur que Leia semble très amoureuse de lui alors que lui est plutôt froid et indifférent, ce qui fait que leur couple ne fonctionne pas correctement Ps: tu as oublié les ampoules aux mains 😁
  4. these are cigarette papers for rolling tobacco
  5. Je doute que Masha pense aux vignettes replay quand elle fait ce genre de chose, elle a assez d'expérience dans le domaine pour passer outre cela, surtout qu'au final elle n'est même pas en top vignette, qui apparement est la chose presque le plus important quand on regarde les filles GOV/COV faire la compétition avec Leora Après qu'il n'y ait plus de vignettes avec le black me semble normal vue que ça fait plus de 24h que cet homme est parti de chez Masha Chacun pensera ce qu'il veut, moi je pense que Masha cache ses problèmes en ayant une sexualité débridé, plus dur sera la chute, car comme la drogue, la descente risque de faire mal
  6. sorry but I don't agree with you on this point, she doesn't make me feel like she wants to hide from the cameras, she has already done full nude in her room without hiding anything i just think they just aren't nudist even at home myself I put on clothes all the time when I am alone at home and no neighbor can see me So i come to the same conclusion as you, i am fine with that I especially think that we want to compare them too much to others while the others have been living with cameras for several years while they have been living like this only for a few weeks.
  7. I find this couple always very interesting even if it is true that I expected a different dynamic from a young couple I often see criticisms that RLC doesn't look like real life enough, but in the case of this couple, I think they just look exactly like most couples in the world, both seem to fit into working life , we can see that Natalia wakes up every day at the same time and leaves at almost the same time, that she is careful not to wake her companion when he is not working When he works, he leaves very early The two often come home at the end of the afternoon, so they have a long day at work and at the end of the day they only have the weekends left to stay together to do nothing or to go out to see their friends or family. When I watch them, I see that I have more or less the same daily life as them, I always wake up at a fixed time and I leave to work all day long too, and when I come home from work, I watch television or I sit in front of my computer As far as I can tell, this couple act like the cameras weren't there most of the time, and maybe I'm losing all objectivity to them because I think Natalia is a beautiful girl but I think they fit perfectly for a project like RLC even with their difference compared to others I remain convinced that they have enormous potential for the future knowing that it has only been a few weeks since they joined this project.
  8. We saw following the departure of Carla and Yanai that this was the case when a new couple arrived in the apartment but that it was never put online, we could see it thanks to a bug in thumbnails that showed us that there were people in the apartment So yes there is still a test phase before RLC decides to make them really become participants. But at the same time, the differences and the diversity between the different couples are also the strength for a project like RLC which describes its project as looking at the private life of real couple or person.
  9. It was a real pleasure to have had Tereza and Timur within RLC, they were a good surprise I must say Most rightly had a negative image of Tereza after her first participation and I have to say that this is not the same girl who came back at all. A pleasant couple who get along well with everyone with a fairly pleasant sexuality I would never have thought to see Tereza like that, besides I am also surprised that we can have the same thing with Leia Like what, I still manage to be surprised by looking at the various participants within this project
  10. This does not prevent that she is not ready to solve her problems of depression by having a hyper sexuality
  11. On appel cela l'expérience 😁 il y a quand même plus de chance que Karol et son petit ami deviennent les nouveaux résidents à B5 en remplacement de Tereza et Timur que de voir Loraine et Anthony revenir à B5 😉 Surtout il faut prendre en compte que Karol et Leia sont amies dans la vie, donc bien avant de devenir participante toute les deux et que les deux couples se connaissent déjà, donc plus facile d'intégrer les deux couples ensembles que de faire venir des inconnus qui n'auront aucun point commun avec ceux qui reste à B5 A mon avis on aura une meilleure vision des choses demain car on aura surement la visite de la femme de ménage et de la possibilité que Leia et Maksim changent de chambre
  12. After two or three visits to the restroom without cameras, you will see that afterwards he will lose his shyness 😁
  13. Everything depends on the perspective For my part, I found that there was a beautiful chemistry with Holly and Timur but not in the sexual sense, more in the bickering sense of big brother and little sister. We know from the start that Tereza and Timur are an exclusive couple to each other
  14. that's why she had to take full advantage before he left 😁
  15. Damn, we're not going to be able to create a lot of crazy theory about Olivia like some love to do when other girls comes back from outside 🤣
  16. In this case she still has work to do because she only needs to be at 10-15, I guess there are quite a few left in the city of Rome who would like to visit her bed 😁
  17. Knowing that Sasha and Dasha got married now, let's say they made the right choice
  18. the flag has always been that of italy, at the same time what could be more normal considering that the apartment is in Rome 😁
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