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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I don't know if you offend the moderators of RLC but you start to become a real problem for those of CC, if you have a problem with me I invite you to complain in the right place that is provided for it and that's above all for that that I will indeed withdraw your previous comment because your insults towards me have no place on this part of the forum
  2. Good night to you, I'm starting my day On the other hand, I will be clear with you because I see that you often talk about me even when I am not present, I am really not an easy man and your attempts to flirt with me will not work Have a nice dream but try not to dream about me too much
  3. Is it so unthinkable that several members of this forum can have the same vision of things? I'm not accusing you of being an alias for Harley though
  4. I have never been to the United States in my life yet, but I have already visited several countries in Europe, Germany, England, Czech Republic, Switzerland or Spain But if you have a French community in Alabama, I take your word for it if you say and think that they are the most beautiful women in the world 🤣
  5. To be in rehab, you must already admit that you have a problem, which is not the case with Eliska in view of the bottles she hides throughout the apartment.
  6. Hi Bud are you trying to explain that i have multiple CC accounts? Unlike others, I only need this account to express myself but I feel like you need to believe unreal things to be able to sleep better at night 😁
  7. I think everyone can put in maintenance when they want, just cut the power 🤣
  8. Sorry to ask, but this is where you have to sign to enter Ariana's Zen sect because it seems pretty nice especially if there are often meetings with 12 girls 😁
  9. j'essaye de ne pas soûler les membres du forum avec exclusivement du français, même si c'est la plus belle langue du monde ----------------------- I try not to get the members of the forum drunk with only French, even if it is the most beautiful language in the world
  10. Tu paye un abonnement, tu ne finance pas le programme Là encore tu n'utilise pas les bon terme ou tu ne comprend pas comment le monde fonctionne Quand tu achêtes un abonnement à un programme, tu n'a que le pouvoir de regarder, quand tu finance un programme, c'est toi qui à le pouvoir de décision vue que tu met de l'argent A moins que tu sois un actionnaire de RLC, en étant qu'un simple abonné, ton seul pouvoir est de regardé Par contre tu peux toujours contacté le support de rlc par mail pour leur donner des idées de développement de leur site ----------------------------------- You pay a subscription, you don't fund the program Again you don't use the right terms or you don't understand how the world works When you buy a subscription to a program, you only have the power to watch, when you finance a program, it is you who has the decision-making power as you put the money Unless you are a shareholder of RLC, being a simple subscriber, your only power is to watch However, you can always contact rlc support by email to give them ideas for developing their site.
  11. I don't think a girl like her would like the weather conditions in this beautiful city of Prague 😁
  12. It's totally understandable that Luna is annoyed by her presence especially that Zac imposes on her It starts from a good deed on his part in wanting to help this girl, especially since according to members, she is her cousin I would have acted the same way as him except that I'm single
  13. You are Portuguese and normally you understand Spanish if I am not mistaken, if you listened a little more to the conversations they may have, maybe you would not only interpret things but understand them too
  14. Even though the idea may be appealing, I don't think RLC wants to do this kind of mix in these apartments. She couldn't really have contact with the other girls These apartments are more for Russian or Ukrainian girls
  15. It just means that she had to pack her bags from where she lived before, it means absolutely nothing compared to her presence in this apartment
  16. la jalousie n'a rien a voir avec la contrariété Si elle était vraiment jalouse de cette fille, elle ne laisserait pas Zac dans la cuisine seul avec elle ---------------------------------- jealousy has nothing to do with annoyance If she was really jealous of this girl, she wouldn't leave Zac in the kitchen alone with her
  17. De la contrariété car elle ne pensait pas que la fille resterait plus d'un jour Apparemment Zac lui a offert l'hospitalité le temps qu'elle trouve un autre endroit où vivre ------------------------------ Annoyance because she didn't think the girl would stay longer than a day Apparently Zac offered her hospitality while she found another place to live.
  18. je n’appellerais pas cela de la jalousie .... --------------------------- I wouldn't call it jealousy ....
  19. Honestly I don't think they fuck to please the cameras and especially if this couple is paid like Martina's, there is no bonus they just have a fixed expense and nothing more, so if they fuck once or ten times it is the same
  20. She was already naked on her bed with her pussy in front of the cam before the UM
  21. Dispute does not necessarily mean separation of the couple
  22. Eliska packed her suitcase and left after an argument with Pepik, even him looked surprised at her reaction Eliska doesn't look like she's going to ask for help with her billing issues.
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