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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I think you can ask Amalia the same thing, ah bah no I forgot, this girl you like her 🤣
  2. moos54


    Thesta, don't even come and tell me that at the moment there is a real debate in this section, all I see is the pro republicans insulting the pro democrats, and vice versa.
  3. sorry you are not my priority tonight, I hope you are not jealous 🤣 have a good night
  4. moos54


    open your eyes Amy, you will see that you are far from the truth I'm done with that because I find that I'm repeating myself and it's starting to break my balls and above all it's time for me to go to sleep
  5. moos54


    Simply because we are in the American election period and there is a fucking virus that has been breaking our balls for over a year In addition this subject is not subject to moderation so members insult themselves openly, which also demonstrates their intellectual level to express themselves 🤣 and it also means that the forum depends on the content offered by sites like rlc or vhtv, and that at the moment, it's not that great
  6. Usually my bosses sends me the troubleshooting requests on an application, they also asks me to call the customers before each intervention to be able to make an appointment and intervene but I don't think you're talking about that since you don't really know me or what i am doing in life 🤣 For Aleksandra, she doesn't do anything less than what Megan was doing with Rocco before he came to B4 or what Miroslava was doing for her boyfriend, except that Aleksandra has plenty of ideas to make it more likable. Is it that bad to watch?
  7. moos54


    If RLC goes back to opening new apartments, especially roomates apartments, you will see that the public forum will gain in comments, in view as well as in statistics at the Alexa level and yet the clubs and pm will still exist, and that i 'I'm sure we have already experimented with the topics of discussion in relation to RLC, and we can see that we are able to positively develop the name of the forum within search engines On the other hand, inevitably when you have less of the subject of conversation, you have less flow the VHTV forum works differently because the members only expect sex from the participants and it is unfortunately not necessary to talk about the umpteenth doggy style that the girl received because it becomes very common in the end VHTV can open 50 or 100 apartments, I don't think that will change to CC comments
  8. moos54


    I've been on the forum for 5 years and a half and I've been using it the same way for 5 years and a half and seeing things the same way moderators are there to bring content like everyone else and that's what I do regularly I have a global view of things and I know that other moderators see the same thing as me you talk all the time about these clubs but it's been several days that no one has published in them while the public forum remains quite active I won't be taken away from the idea that the primary factors are the atmosphere of the public forum as well as the content that is broadcast within a site like rlc or vhtv
  9. suddenly it gives another flavor to the fake threesome shows in the old apartment 🤣
  10. moos54


    You, who was a better moderator than me, tell me what is your miracle solution to get people to come and discuss on the forum? personally I have never banned active members precisely by virtue of freedom of expression and in general I only apply the rules of the forum when these are no longer respected I often get insulted on the forum and yet the members are still there because presisely i think i am too nice and lax
  11. moos54


    He is very busy in real life now even you are much less active on the forum than you were at a certain time
  12. moos54


    and during this same period you insulted VH and you put a bad atmosphere on the forum against some members, so do you really think that one can blame the problem only with the creation of this club? I no longer count the number of members who "reported" your words or who came to complain by PM, and they are not all part of this famous "club"
  13. moos54


    Stncld has never had a problem being part of a group, usually he doesn't stay because it fills his inbox with messages 😁 for my case i just like chatting with people and people seem to like chatting with me, when i am chatting in pm i am just a simple member and i dont see why a moderator would not have the right to chat with people, we are not just the police of this forum
  14. moos54


    same advice as for Amy believe what u want but i know why these focus groups were created in the first place and it was good because of the behavior of some members and in a sense of the lack of reaction from us as as moderator How many complaints have we received going in this direction against the same people? in the end it is normal that those who share the same kind of vision come together by forming a distinct group, this allows them to no longer be polluted by the few members who are harmful to them
  15. moos54


    Of course these groups have existed or still exist, at the same time it is rather normal since this kind of group allows to share information or contents prohibited either by rlc or by the rules of the forum, but in themselves these groups always have exist and this does not prevent continuing to discuss events on the forum I can tell you that other PM groups were formed, because of the behavior of certain members, to be able to continue to discuss calmly and without being criticized or insulted, these PM groups existed even before the arrival of VHTV within our forum, which proves that the problem between members has existed for a very long time and that the same kind of solution has been found (private club)
  16. moos54


    Amy you tire me with your war against something that has no real impact on public forum, even Stncld has already told you believe what you want if it allows you to sleep better at night believe if you want the problem come from others and not also from yourself believe if you want the jabbath club is an orgy of comments to leave only crumbs in the public forum believe what you want in relation to me on the other hand I am better informed than you in view of my position within the forum and I therefore have more perspective than you on the events of the forum
  17. B2 had at one time big problems also at the electrical level and if I remember correctly, I believe that anyway the girls were out shortly after the maintenance in nightclub, the apartment being empty all night
  18. Tant que tu ne suce que ton pouce, ça va 😁 Sinon tu as toujours le choix de regarder les 10 autres appartements en attendant De toute façon en général c'est assez calme en journée
  19. Elle n'est pas vraiment une camgirl vue qu'elle fait ces shows pour elle même ou son mec 😉
  20. En général, RLC met en maintenance quand il y a des personnes extérieure qui viennent pour travailler au sein des appartements, je ne sais pas si c'est le cas mais B4 a de nouveau des problèmes électriques depuis quelques jours, il est possible qu'il y ait eu une intervention d'électricien Après tu peux toujours aussi penser que RLC met en maintenance pour cacher une orgie qui leur permettrai de gagner des abonnés si B4 n'était pas en maintenance, personnellement j'ai rarement vue une société se tirer une balle dans le pied pour perdre de l'argent
  21. I especially believe that you did not understand the usefulness of respecting certain rules for the good living together, I sincerely believe that it is not so complicated to follow these rules if it allows us to get out of this crisis quickly, but the problem is that there are people like you who are selfish because they don't think about others Wearing a mask is useful for protecting yourself but it is especially useful for protecting others and this is the most important, personally I would not like to be the cause of endangering others or my people loved ones due to avoidable neglect I think you should do an internship in a hospital to realize the cold reality but in my opinion you will probably wake up too late
  22. I don't endorse what Cesar and Gina are doing but I find it hypocritical to be judgmental towards them when the first thing you said about new participants is that they invite guests to celebrate their arrival on rlc
  23. Who is Fiona? For me Zac is a new guy on this project
  24. Still had his apartment to close because of this, in addition to other stuff 🤣
  25. Bien sur que tu fais ce que tu veux, comme je l'ai déjà dit, je ne fait qu'un simple constat Le forum n'a rien de bien compliqué sinon tu n'aurais pas trouvé ton chemin jusqu'ici, par contre il faut se donner la peine de comprendre comment cela fonctionne et ce n'est pas ce que tu as envie de faire Tu as l'air de résumer rlc à la simple présence de B4, ce qui est loin d'être une réalité car il y a 10 autres appartements qui peuvent tout autant fascinés les abonnés avec la présence de participants bien différents
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