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Everything posted by moos54

  1. this remains only speculation and your interpretation of events, but above all Martina's visits are mainly in the first place to better understand the Russian community and their language After the rest is only the fact that the feeling went well between everyone
  2. Bah oui il faut toujours avoir un peu d'humour, par contre je ne fais quand même qu'un simple constat car je ne te vois rarement faire des posts ailleurs que B4, et quand tu en fais ailleurs c'est parce que Holly est justement en visite dans les autres appartements 😁
  3. Oui mais cet amour et cette relation ne va que dans un sens unique malheureusement 🤣
  4. moos54


    See that you seem to be always centered on yourself Amy I'll tell you that The creation of the club in itself has nothing toxic, on the other hand your words and your behavior at that time were very toxic, the behavior of Jabbath was also toxic, for me you are both guilty of this situation As long as members do not manage to be self-critical and accept the fact that they have been or are part of the problem, the forum will not move forward. I believe that we have the best proof of this with the events we are going through at the moment, our words can have acts and consequences on others, playing the ostrich by thinking that we are not doing any harm does not allow moving forward Then I think you confuse a lot of things, just because VHTV has 42 apartments at the moment, that they are tweeting on tweets for sex scenes, doesn't mean that it makes the events more interesting within the forum. The forum community and that of twitter are certainly not the same Once again you cannot assimilate that the Jabbath club has no real effect on the flow of the public forum for the good and simple reason that the active members of this club are just as active on the public forum, without to be wrong, there must have been around 90% of the members of this club who are present just because they were afraid of no longer having so-called free photos or videos compared to the VHTV apartments when in the end there is no has not changed much in the public forum, there are always as many photos that are published even if it does not necessarily come from the same members You really have to manage to move forward and forget this club for your own good, this club exists, it was formed for a certain reason, but that does not mean that this reason is still current I myself share PM with a group that was formed for the same kind of reason but compared to another member, over time habits have settled and we have become friends, we talk about the rain and the good weather as from what we can see on RLC, but that does not prevent members of this group from continuing to be active in the public forum to talk about the same things in relation to RLC
  5. In this case she is a very good actress if you think she can really have a threesome with one of the two couples of B5 😁
  6. or she just wasn't invited to come to B2 in view of her reaction with Radislava and Ariana when they returned, I think this is more than plausible
  7. our great master all, Stncld, is having some problems with his computer at the moment so it will be done but maybe not right away On the other hand, it is always possible to create a subject for Luna and Zac, Stncld will do some magic after
  8. moos54


    The problem is you think that there is only this kind of conflict only on the VHTV forum when in fact it exists everywhere on the forum, there is exactly the same thing on the RLC forum This goes well beyond Amy's conflict with Jabbath and Sparkles, there are many other members who only express themselves in negative mode putting a bad atmosphere, and therefore chasing members who prefer to see things positively. We have lost as many good contributors in the RLC section as in the VHTV section When I see Amy's posts, I have the impression that it all depends on the dedicated VHTV forum when it is far from reality and you should all be able to understand it I think that this atmosphere of conflict is the biggest concern of the forum because each camp camped on its positions without wanting to discuss and argue peacefully, we no longer confront points of view, we try to impose our own and if the other does not not sharing, it is easier to insult the other instead of arguing what they say From my point of view, members like Amy or Harley (or many others), wanting to wage war against concepts like VHTV or RLC, get the wrong targets and do exactly the opposite of what they want, they express love that they have for CC but in the end they do more harm to the forum than they actually do to these concepts CC is a forum dedicated mainly to what the participants coming from these concepts can do, for example CC has no connection with RLC, quite the contrary, but that does not prevent to discuss the people who live in the apartments of this site, same for participants coming from Camarads, VoyeurHouse.com, Voyeur Villa or LifeUnderCam when the latter two still existed VHTV is the only site that wanted to partner with CC, this makes it a winner for everyone I sincerely think that when these members understand this, maybe the forum will once again become a peaceful place to come and discuss On the other hand, interesting things must also happen on these sites, which is not necessarily the case all the time.
  9. moos54


    Hi Already I want to say that I name nobody in my remarks, I just make an observation of what I see every day and especially of what I know yes certain members by the behavior of others preferred to leave the public forum, it is a fact, there is not really a debate to be made in relation to that, it is a truth that it is for the forum of VHTV or even the one compared to RLC On the other hand, I suppose that you still speak of clubs by "other places", I can tell you with certainty that these clubs have no real impact on the public forum so that is not really to be taken into account, it is just a private space for people to express themselves if they feel like it without the whole forum knowing what they are saying, it's just like PMs, and I'm sure you use this communication mode regularly, yet i don't feel you feel guilty about it I repeat that which involves the flow of comments within the public forum, these are the behaviors of the members, I have the impression that it is only a war between those who are for and those who are against, there is no longer any objectivity now and especially of what is happening on the various sites where we have a discussion section, it is clear that there is not much going on interresting at the moment
  10. On parle de Megan quand même, il ne ce serait rien passer de plus qu'un simple massage
  11. Gotta stop believing everything Harley can say, you should have known by the time For a guy who has already done porn, I find that Carlos has a hard time getting hard on command
  12. She does not live all the time in Rome, she studies in another Country and she makes the trips from time to time to join her boyfriend and see her best friend who is called Masha
  13. I don't pretend to be a big fan of Radislava or Serafima but you still need something for everyone because the world is eclectic I prefer this kind of girl than showgirls like Leora, Malia and company, who are only there to do the show and get the biggest bonus possible at the end of the month, I find this kind of behavior an insult to the voyeur that I am, yet you don't see me complaining every day about the mediocre shows we can often have On the other hand, I would like someone to give me the definition of a "do nothing" because I don't have the impression that we really have it, Radislava by doing her sport in sexy outfit every day or by putting her buttocks towards the cameras do not fit in this box Serafima by putting herself in front of the cams in the shower or by putting herself naked facing the camera on her bed while caressing herself lightly as this morning does not enter this box either. On the other hand if this term is only used for a sexual connection, then Ariana is also a "do nothing" in my eyes like these two roommates since she has never had sex in front of the cameras, but yet during her stay I know that she hasn't always been an angel Personally I would change other girls before Serafima or Radislava but that only remains my member's opinion
  14. No blue short today for sexy cleaning lady
  15. I agree Ariana has some personality but do you look at her when she's alone in bed? visiting B4 or B5?, most of her time is occupied by her phone and her isolation, it must take her at least 80% of her time In all fairness, I just feel like there's a facies offense against Radislava and Serafima because they don't masturbate in front of the cameras At first, Ariana was often away and I've never seen as much commentary as we can have right now to get her off the project. I don't find this very fair to these two girls and as I said before, I find these two girls more honest in their intention than others in RLC
  16. moos54


    Even if I know that you are not going to agree with my words, I will still give my opinion on the situation with an outside eye, well as far as I can. Life is made of a cycle, for example when I was younger I had a period of rap and video games on console, then I had a cycle of video games on pc to finally stop playing completely, I think that is also the same when you follow this kind of site that are VHTV and RLC, after a while you don't find it as interesting as before and you move on I believe a lot of members have expressed this on the forum, and it goes through their own evolution in life, enough to meet a person, have children or flourish in their job We need to be able to renew this but it does not depend only on Camcaps but also on the evolution of sites like VHTV or RLC For VHTV, we can clearly see that this site has evolved since its opening and, to be honest, there have never been many very active members within the VH community on the forum, there are only a handful of members who really express themselves But the evolution of VHTV does not necessarily allow people to come to the forum to discuss what they can see, even if this kind of forum must exist, I doubt that there are many people chatting on girls doing shows on chaturbate or porn actresses, the only thing they're waiting for is the next show or video So yes this evolution helps attract porn addicts but does not necessarily bring more people who like to chat For RLC, the loss of apartments in Russia meant that many members lost the desire to remain members of RLC and therefore of CC If you combine that with the very restrictive rules against sharing their content, it puts a brake on a lot of things. Then there is also the behavior of some members within the forum itself, their way of expressing themselves had the effect of removing many members who preferred to abandon the forum rather than to be in perpetual conflict. This kind of members also have a bad effect with possible new members who would not want to be judged for their comments or their point of view. I don't know if the moderation rules are perfect and maybe we also have our share of responsibility in all of this Happy new year too
  17. je dirais que c'est surement toi et ta façon de voir les choses, mais je ne suis pas un expert
  18. The following comments are not a criticism but simply an observation, especially since I really like the person But what makes Ariana more special than the other two right now? I have read people who complain that Radislava does sports all the time, believing that it is much better to watch a girl like Ariana who has only been curling up on herself and on her cell phone all afternoon yesterday, at least Radislava is doing something useful with her time I have also seen members who complain that Radislava masturbates in the bath without being able to see much, I still want to say that Ariana puts herself under the sheets for intimate moments and strangely I do not see these members complaining, I also hear members say that Radislava and Serafima are do nothing, fault is to notice that you are wrong, at least for Radislava seen that she masturbates regularly during her shower
  19. Tu n'as pas tord, je le trouve super proche d'une fille qui s'appelle Nelly, en plus il ose avoir des relations sexuelles avec elle, à croire qu'ils sont mariés 🤣
  20. There are also members who post this kind of videos on the forum In any case most of the videos are not really recent from what little I have seen
  21. Sorry to say that, but wouldn't it be against that sort of thing that you took offense not so long ago?
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