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Everything posted by moos54

  1. ok mais ça ne change pas que le canapé au fond du salon dans le coin est l'ancien canapé et que le neuf est le bleu au milieu du salon 😁
  2. C'est l'ancien canapé qui est dans le coin dans le salon
  3. OK si tu veux 🤣 Obnubilé, pitre, cloche, rien que ca? J'ai l'impression que ta jalousie obscurci ton jugement En fait est t'il simplement inconcevable pour toi qu'elle l'apprécie simplement parce qu'il est sympa? Est ce qu'ils baiseront encore ensemble? Peut être ou peut être pas vu qu'elle a l'air de rencontrer d'autres personnes mais pour autant, pour autant cela ne l'empêchera de continuer à discuter avec lui quoi que tu en pense
  4. Même ce genre de commentaire est complément hors sujet et hors sol
  5. Regarder des images sans en comprendre ni le sens ni le contexte, je ne vois pas vraiment l'intérêt Je ne vois pas le rapport avec Azura et Dylan vu que moi je te parle plus précisément de ta vision du comportement de Aziza et Dylan Certaines personnes me font assez confiance pour me donner des informations par MP, s'ils veulent les partager sur le forum public alors ils le feront eux mêmes, mais cela ne viendra pas de moi pour autant, question d'éthique Mes conclusions sont parfaitement logique, tu ne peux juger d'une situation sans avoir tout les éléments, et le fait d'avoir seulement la vue me permet de te dire que tu te trompe sur l'interprétation de pas mal de choses
  6. Je pense sincèrement que tu te trompe sur pas mal de chose surtout à propos de Aziza et Dylan Tu ne prend pas en compte leur language, les filles se parlent beaucoup et donnent parfois des informations intéressantes Ils ont aussi la possibilité de communiquer tous ensembles via des groupes WhatsApp, donc ils peuvent se dire des choses que l'on ne peux pas interpréter Je n'ai pas la prétention de tout savoir car cela est impossible mais j'ai des informations venant de sources qui ont déjà fait leur preuves depuis toutes ces années et qui ne collent pas avec ta vision des choses Voir c'est bien mais comprendre c'est mieux
  7. Tu devrais écrire des scénarios car tu as l'air inspiré pour écrire des comtes de fées Non mais sérieux, tu devrais lâcher du lest à propos d'Aziza car j'ai l'impression qu'elle devient ton obsession et c'est jamais très bon comme non relation Il y a pas mal de choses que tu ne prend pas en compte et qui ne te permet pas forcément de comprendre avec exactitude ce que tu vois
  8. I never heard of Kitty being on bongacams, if you have proof then ok but otherwise I feel like it's more a fantasy
  9. Either way, I don't have a problem with her being a porn actress as long as she doesn't promote it within the apartment, I just find it interesting to see more or less how she takes care of herself when she isn't at work, and I must say she's like everyone else, she doesn't do anything extravagant 🤣 I don't know why but RLC still has a lot of trouble finding good Czech couples, before having Linda and Tibor, there were a lot of failures Kitty and Smith weren't that bad either, but the big problem is still Kitty's character, she couldn't help but look for the conflict
  10. even some shy guests, not wanting to show nudity in front of the cameras, shared more than Valerya I already thought that Esenia was a problem, but I think we just hit the jackpot with her 😁 She never made a big impression on me when she visits Gyana and Dantez so I didn't expect anything from her But I hadn't seen anything for Venera and Lion either, and they showed us that we could be wrong by being a very good couple. Besides, if ever the idea could go as far as RLC, I would prefer to have the couple of friends from Venera and Lion who come regularly because I think they can't be worse than Valerya 😁
  11. Yeah I really like the return of Eliska and Pepik, Eliska seems to have solved her alcohol problems and she is very generous in terms of nudity We can also see that Pepik seems to have an outdoor job because he is not around often but that Eliska spends most of the time in the apartment In itself Valerya and Dio's routine would not be a problem for the project if Valerya does like Dio in the end, that is to say not to hide for everything 🤣
  12. When you work during the week, sometimes you also like to go out on the weekends I have friends who work like this and who are often outdoors on weekends I also often work on Saturdays, and I don't think I'm an exception 😁 Afterwards it seems quite logical to me to say that Valerya does not like to be seen by the cameras when Dio does not care, so I still wonder why they are present in this apartment I often wait one or two weeks to get an idea but here I sincerely think that Valerya is a lost cause, she manages to be worse than the worst participants, she is strong 🤣
  13. I especially think that they both have a real job that keeps them busy all day
  14. Whatever they've decided, they don't seem to be pressed for time, which seems to say a lot to me. they packed things in boxes, but these are all still present in the apartment Linda and Tibor are good participants that rlc had trouble finding for this apartment, we have seen this couple evolve over the years, years that play on the sexual frequency of the couple, they fucked almost every day at the beginning, then comes marriage, work and the pandemic, all of which have been right in their frequency The pandemic had a beneficial effect for most of their friends who took the opportunity to have children I find these meetings between friends missing now but it is also understandable life is like that
  15. Yeah, it's so obvious with Cheryl and Nikolas or Valerya and Dio that they are in the project for sex and masturbation all the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Because Taco is still in B7 with Nelly and Bogdan
  17. Elle est beaucoup mieux qu'Elettra
  18. I believe Ashley is the demon of lust 😁
  19. I think you should re-read my posts about the other event before concluding anything about me or how I view all of this. case closed for me, see you in the next topic
  20. it might be time to stop being offended by everything and anything Try to take a step back from things They have already had consensual sex in the same kind of situation as last night, They often talk to each other by text, when she asked him to join her at B4 to sleep, he joined her at B4 No matter what, they have some kind of relationship even if it's dysfunctional and not common It might be time for those who watch to understand I'm not defending anyone but I try to use my brain and still put things in the right context you could try 🤔 The problem for you and many others is that you can't stand having guys hovering around girls because you seem to feel like they're your property. Every time there is a guy in the different apartments, he has all the faults in the world, he is stupid and he is a potential rapist The problem is that you judge things without really understanding them, so you never put things into perspective.
  21. there is a big difference because Aziza and Dylan have had a relationship before and they often chat by message together Aziza seems to appreciate him and like all people, sometimes we prefer to sleep rather than something else, once he understood the stop, he stopped
  22. This would make sense given the paramedic visit to the apartment as she was already complaining of pain in that area.
  23. Still there in Valerya and Dio apartment 🤣
  24. it's crazy to see the number of people who overreact to what they can see without understanding the events
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