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Everything posted by moos54

  1. On vacation till 19 April like Valerya and Dio
  2. On vacation till 19 April like Gyana and Dantez
  3. It's not their real name, I just think that RLC wanted to give them a new name but we recognized them 😁 It is certain that it is them who were planned otherwise we would not have had their profile photos on the new update
  4. Not much more than the other couples finally, rlc just makes the contacts of each other work Before, one of the couples was acquaintances of Esenia and Dima and the other of Katie and Adam You never know in advance if a couple will be good or not, for my part I liked Adela and Axel, Vera wasn't bad either
  5. It finally looks like a Czech couple, so crazy information because there was only Linda and Tibor despite a large number of apartments in Prague 😁 Thea and Zeke are also Czech
  6. If I'm not mistaken, this couple is friends with Gyana and Dantez and we've seen them at their house several times already.
  7. look like Eliska and Pepik are back in the project with new names 😁
  8. he did a camera replacement, he didn't remove a camera
  9. Don't believe everything you see, she does a lot of comedy to be able to complain 😁
  10. there is often a delay of several weeks between the departure of a couple and the arrival of a new couple I think we should soon be able to see Katie and Adam's apartment online with a new couple.
  11. I thought I had already seen his face somewhere but I couldn't remember who he was 😁
  12. I see it's been a long time since you've seen Malia on RLC 😁 So Malia looks more Elli than Elli, damn 😁
  13. I feel like Linda has never been more popular than since it looks like Linda and Tibor are about to leave the project 🤣
  14. C'est pour cela que j'ai dis dès le départ de ne pas prendre mes propos personnellement car je faisais juste un constat général Il y a trop de commentaires pour dénigrer d'autres personnes et moi ça me dérange ce genre de chose Je voulais juste le dire car ça fait un moment que ça dure même si ces propos ne sont pas forcément en dehors des règles de ce forum
  15. Merci pour ce lien et je sais que tu parle de la guest d'hier soir mais regarde le titre de ce post, cela n'a rien à voir avec Carla faisant de la Web cam
  16. Sorry to say this but physical bashing of a person is not an opinion
  17. Je suppose que tu ne parle pas de Carla 🤣 Du coup je pense que tu n'es pas au bon endroit pour exprimer ces propos 😁
  18. Nobody's forcing you to watch either 😁 this is not a personal attack but i'm tired of seeing people discriminating against people just because they don't like the way they are as if they are superior question yourself before judging others That was my rant because it's been going on for quite a while now
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