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Everything posted by moos54

  1. stop crying https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/656-elza-mulan-all-topics-012120/
  2. that you don't have to party to get the virus because I don't think Trump and his wife are having a covid party at the White House ^^
  3. Yes, those who die are the elderly, except that the intensive care units are full of young and healthy people, it leaves traces of being intubated, the virus itself leaves traces in physical condition Let's continue to minimize the risks and the average age of death will quickly drop
  4. it's a global problem, even if in Europe we manage to control this virus, if it is not done in the US, then it is useless One day you may have to understand that you are not the center of the world 😉
  5. I'm not too worried about Trump's health, he has an armada of doctors who can give him all the drugs or vaccines that exist and so he can again emerge victorious while minimizing the virus
  6. Trump has just announced that he and his wife were positive for covid19, which shows that it was not really useful to take the treatment for the prevention of the virus, based on chloroquine At least now we are sure that it is completely useless because that does not prevent having it We will see if this will have allowed him to avoid having the worst symptoms.
  7. Beautiful and seems smart because she has a lot to say Otherwise I love her smile That's all I wanted to say
  8. In Barcelona, she was on party mood because she was on vacation and she found a one night stand With the previous boy, nothing sexual between them, it probably came from a comparison coming from a specific conversation Masha has already had a lot of guys who came to visit her at her place without her getting naked in front of them, and I especially think that the guy present yesterday was just a friend who came to do her a favor with her software my words are only based on what Masha shows us and also on the experience that I have in my life, which allows me to put all we can see in perspective, and you?
  9. Do you get naked in front of everyone you meet, whether they are strangers or friends? I think if you can answer this question, you can easily answer the one you ask yourself about Masha
  10. On period perhaps? this is the only logical thing that came to my mind that could respond to her change in behavior even though I admit that I did not have time to verify this possibility
  11. you can always ask RLC for this as you seem to have become their best friend 😁
  12. Vue que tu as besoin d'aide, voici les règles de ce forum pour le bon vivre ensemble Je t'invite à les lire et les apprendres par coeur
  13. Salut @Ghost1234 tu peux avoir autant de compte que tu veux, ils finiront surement de la même façon que les autres vue que tu n'as pas l'air de comprendre les règles de ce forum Déjà il faudrait déjà que tu comprennes que RealLifeCam et CamCaps sont deux sites complètements différents, qui n'ont aucune affiliation entre eux et que CamCaps n'a que faire de l'avis de RealLifeCam, surtout depuis leur tentative de vouloir faire fermer le forum et ainsi le droit d'expression, je suis même presque certain que RealLifeCam est même très content de notre existence comme cela ils peuvent bannir les membres qui se permettent de partager du contenu Ici c'est juste un forum de discussion et de partage sur des sites qui propose un certain contenu bien spécifique, comme tu l'auras peut être remarquer, ce forum n'est pas exclusif à uniquement RealLifeCam mais nous avons des sections pour d'autres sites comme Voyeur House TV, Camarads, ou encore Voyeur House.com entre autre Je trouve marrant ton monologue avec RLC qui serait choqué de comment on gère les éléments perturbants qui ne respectent aucune des règles de ce forum alors qu'ils sont les premiers à bannir leur membres premium qui se permettent de partager publiquement du contenu venant de leur site, avec aucune possibilité de se faire rembourser l'abonnement Tu nous accuses de beaucoup de choses qui n'ont lieu que dans ton esprit car nous avons beaucoup de membres non premium de RLC sur notre forum qui vivent très bien l'expérience et nous sommes très content de les avoirs maintenant si tu veux te plaindre des modérateurs de ce forum, il y a une section faite exactement pour cela et ce n'est pas dans ce sujet présent, et tant que tu le fera pas au bon endroit, je continuerai à supprimer tes messages sur le forum
  14. I don't like to do this because I consider the forum to be a place to discuss everything Except that there is still some limit not to cross Some don't seem to understand it or just don't want to do it on purpose
  15. I think you are going to be the first member that I ban from this forum so play well because you just won this honor We have rules on this forum and you continue to disregard them as with your other accounts which have already followed the same path as this one Good day to you outside of here seeing that you don't respect anything
  16. the translator is functional again, it is at the top of the page
  17. Without wanting to put the subject back on the table, Leora is often on the phone with a man who is not Paul or a member of her family and that happens to disappear for several hours, same for Malia you can conclude what you want 🙂
  18. Why? Have you never met people for dinner in your life? Are you a robot? so no need to socialize or eat 😁
  19. Dans une certaine communauté, celle du tatouage, cela est considéré comme de l'art Il y a des magazines qui existent et qui mettent en valeur ce genre de fille D'ailleurs elle n'est pas si vilaine, j'ai juste un peu de mal avec ses faux seins
  20. this could be true except that your accounts were banned by another moderator than me, besides it was even Stncld in person who did it, I only noticed when I woke up the next day Sorry to disappoint you and Harley, but I wouldn't be your scapegoat
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