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Everything posted by moos54

  1. that's for sure that this kind of thing can happen anywhere in the world, just type the right keywords on the internet and you can find this kind of thing without any problem, and I'm not talking about porn movies obviously, otherwise it wouldn't be fun
  2. yes there is no rush but I think it would be better to do it like this Rest well while waiting thinking about Smith's performance
  3. This is the first thing I thought upon seeing their return on RLC. The possibility of seeing again Smith's mother, Kitty's mother, Smith's sister or even Kitty's friends But I'm also happy to see Kitty too
  4. For my part, I would have archived this thread because it was for COVs in Prague, which is not the case for Kitty and Smith The best would be to start from scratch as for any new couple I know it makes you work though
  5. I close this topic best would be to create a new topic for Kitty and Smith until Stncld is online to make the changes
  6. The big problem is that before there was no pandemic to manage I think we forget that there are thousands of deaths every day because of this
  7. I guess you have some evidence of this, otherwise it just remains defamation
  8. so if I understand correctly, you are playing the ostrich by obscuring the reality of the facts that I am telling you, in fact I understand why you love your dear president so much, you are exactly like him you will finally be able to take a hotel room to live your love, in November he will be free from all obligations 😁
  9. yes of course, that's why he wanted to hold campaign meetings without barrier gestures or wearing a mask, because his covid experts were told him to do that 😁
  10. no I understood that the person who should guide his people during this crisis is not doing his job correctly and that he risks losing this one in November It might be silly to say, but if he had handled it normally, we wouldn't even be talking about Biden as a potential new president in November You can always hide your face if you want to, it will not change the events that are happening
  11. last I heard the president of the united states is not called Biden, until i missed something? If he is at the lowest in the polls at the moment it is indeed in part of his catastrophic management of the pandemic, he is making a Republican war against Democrat when he should be the leader of all Americans His big problem is not to take responsibility for his own mistakes and to want to blame others, either it's China or it's the Democrats I understand why he is criticized by the Democrats and now by part of the Republicans If he continues in this direction, he gives the white house to Biden, who according to you, is not necessarily the best candidate either.
  12. I'm only talking about things that are voiced by political experts. Being their job to do this kind of analysis without being biased It is still astonishing that Mr Trump is now changing his mind about covid19, when it is the republican states that are affected, not to mention that he took pleasure in criticizing the democratic states on the management of the pandemic if you still believe that your dear president loves his people more than himself, then you are screwing your finger in the eye All he is doing at the moment is to be able to be re-elected in November, which means that for the moment you no longer have a real president to govern your beautiful and great country.
  13. You don't know the status of the people you criticize every day either, but that doesn't stop you from speculating a lot of things about them why would it be forbidden to do it with Leora? So in the end, you have the same mentality as the rest of the forum and it is you who opened Pandora's box Assume and be a man 😁
  14. In all innocence and normality, she only masturbated Malia, who is incidentally her best friend, who has been seen on rlc for several years and with whom she only had a normal relationship of friendship, on the other hand would be enough that they live under the same roof, in an apartment with cameras, to have feelings towards each other I'm not saying it's impossible but knowing Leora it's very improbable, but we can expect everything from a person, who has let go of her life in Russia, her boyfriend and her dog to be able to return on RLC Besides, this kind of lesbian show is already seen, but where is it?
  15. Wait, isn't it you who is on the verge of insult and scandalous innuendo when one of the girls is absent from the house or an apartment? Leora has been away regularly for months, disappearing at night and only coming back in the early hours, but she's just an innocent angel? I allow myself to talk about Leora because I have enough perspective to be able to do it and all that you insinuate towards the girls of these GOV apartments, Leora has been doing exactly the same thing for several months, I think I told you , take off your blinders because if you insult or insinuate things about these girls, you have to do the same with Leora as she acts the same way Besides now, your beautiful Leora is doing some sort of lesbian show with Malia, do you really think it comes from nowhere? knowing that she often looks at her phone when they are in mode we watch a movie innocently in bed, we are naked and we touch each other a little ^^ Or wouldn't she do the same thing as the GOV girls? Do you really believe in your "real life" in this apartment? for my part we could almost call Leora and Malia's apartment GOV 6, it is so obvious
  16. I agree with you, I just noticed it too, especially since yesterday she was taking the shower with the light of the bathroom and without hiding anything from us, whereas this morning, she took the shower only with the her phone light Too bad she's already gone, she was a breeze of freshness in this complicated period For maintenance, there can be millions of reasons, but the easiest would be someone who came to pick her up from the apartment, all this is just a guess you have my answer
  17. I'm asking you questions, too bad I don't have answers And don't worry about me, I have my head on my shoulders and I know very well what is happening at the moment I wanted to ask you something else, do you think Leora makes roller derby with Diane, because they are both so absent from their respective apartments lately
  18. It's only been 4 to 6 months since all these people have been stranded in Spain because of the pandemic and you really think they are not going to become friends? Do you really live in a cave? It is only normal that they have a connection, experiencing the same thing at the same time and in the same place What's wrong with visiting people who become friends over time? Wouldn't this pool be made for that? The more you talk, the more you give me a bad image of Americans
  19. Why? it is forbidden to leave a house? this one is in fact a prison and nobody would have told us?
  20. they are moving all the things that are in the hallway Marriage has never been so close
  21. if you want to take drugs, it's your own problem If participants want to take drugs, that's their problems If participants want to take drugs in front of cameras, it becomes RLC's problem. On the other hand, if members start calling People names, this is a problem for CC It's as simple as that
  22. you see, we know how to balance things and if a person starts to make "reports" for everything and nothing at the same time, it can be considered as a troll and that he suffers the backlash If you think you're smartest and want to play with us, I'm telling you now, you've already lost the battle
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