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Everything posted by moos54

  1. je suis passé par mon médecin qui m'a fait une ordonnance pour le laboratoire, j'ai juste payé la visite chez le médecin au laboratoire, cela a prit que 5 minutes et demain je dois faire un scanner pour voir ce qu'il ne va pas avec mes sinus et mon cerveau ils verront surement quelque chose pour les sinus, pour le cerveau c'est pas encore gagné car il faut le trouver
  2. du moment que les restaurant et les magasins restent ouvert, je ne vois pas pourquoi ils fermeraient les bars traditionnel pour venir boire un café ou une bière, et je pense que les filles continuent de profiter au moins de cela, même si l'accès est limité Par contre le bar qui fait aussi des soirées à thème en mettant de la musique et des coktails, eux sont surement fermés car attirent trop de monde de toute façon ce virus c'est une belle merde pour tout le monde et nous empêche de vivre convenablement je me suis fait dépister samedi car ayant des petits soucis de santé, je voulais en avoir le coeur net car j'étais avec de la famille la semaine dernière, le moindre petit truc maintenant te retourne le cerveau par crainte de ce virus Après je l'ai fait au cas où pour protéger ma famille car j'ai des personnes à risque, le résultat est négatif, donc je peux enfin prendre mon traitement car ça fait une semaine que j'ai un vilain mal de crâne, apparemment j'aurais les sinus de bloquer, je me demande si ce ne serait pas à cause d'avoir la figure devant le ventilateur toute la journée pour avoir du frais avec toute cette chaleur
  3. ca dépend ce qu'ils veulent dire par bar car tu as deux type de bars, celui qui fait bar d'ambiance qui lui doit être fermé et tu as bar pour prendre ton café, qui lui doit être ouvert mais limité
  4. it is above all that my parents gave me a good education which allows me to be respectful towards everyone, it has nothing to do with the fact that I am also the forum moderator I am and I will always be this kind of person, whether in my personal, professional or digital life
  5. I will try to avoid speculating if you really are but from what you show on the forum, let me doubt it You see, I do like you, which allows you to judge a person without really knowing them And still I stay soft if I compare your words to mine
  6. If this is the kind of thing you like to do at home, you can also walk around naked at your friends home if you want, even if they have a kitchen or a living room
  7. It was a question in case you hadn't noticed I ask you because for you as there is a swimming pool in B4, it is impossible for these girls or anyone else to go to another place where there would also be another swimming pool, because that is what you imply It is as if you refused to eat with friends at their home, for the pretext of you too you have a kitchen and a living room at home
  8. You always say lots of things without any proof on this forum as if it were gospel word and true truth Are you trying to make us understand that you're lying like a tooth puller who tells us that it doesn't hurt?
  9. He seems like a trustworthy person, so if he says it, it's true
  10. Of course there are people who are monitoring the cams streams, but that does not give a date of return because I do not think that these people are medium, so if couples or anyone else does not explicitly communicate a return date, it's hard to invent
  11. a person who thinks only of himself maybe the word i used cannot be translated correctly
  12. Assumes that she comes from another country and that she has just made a few hours by plane, that it is 30 degrees outside and that after eating, the girls decided to go out I remind you that we're talking about girls, they always need to be fresh when they go out, so it's not that silly that she needed to take a shower Otherwise it is not the first time and it will not be the last that the GOV participants receive female guests (friends) in the apartments for many days that can be called vacation
  13. From my experience, it is difficult to communicate information if it is not given in advance Over time, it is easier to determine who communicates or not with RLC when they go on vacation.
  14. RLC is just a site who allow to upload apartments with cameras inside to see people Generally these are the people who are masters of what we will see we must stop believing that RLC governs everything with a steel hand Most of the people we saw on RLC when they replaced the participants who went on vacation are relatives of them
  15. You never go to friends or other people who also have a swimming pool despite that you have one at home? Would you be a navelist people?
  16. there are many possibilities - the couple is absent for a short period - The couple has not yet communicated about their vacation period - RLC doesn't care - The RLC technician who manages this kind of information is also on vacation I would go for the first or the second hypothesis
  17. If you talk about CC, yes that's what we think but until RLC confirms it, we cannot be 100% certain of this As with Eliska and Pepik after Hakeem left, RLC cannot afford to lose an apartment and not reopen it with new participants If I am not mistaken and given the current conditions, it is more than likely that this apartment will once again become an apartment for a local couple and that it will no longer be used as a COV
  18. She came in this apartment several times between March and June, I think this video is the last time we saw her doing this kind of thing so I will say it was June 14, 2020
  19. Oui c'est bien ce qu'il me répond, il pense que l'option doit être présente depuis au moins 6 mois 🙂
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