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Everything posted by moos54

  1. it's nice to see girls who hadn't been here for a while, one of them has just arrived and has just changed into shorts 😉
  2. there is no problem, i just give you my opinion too, it's worth what it's worth
  3. it's just to let you know that you often talk too fast without taking the time to let things happen Carla and Yanai were away most of the weekends when they started and now they hang out with friends very often at home Eliska and Pepik, even if their start is quite bumpy and strange, can surprise us as much in a few weeks, RLC is not a race to be won, we have to let time run out
  4. this is not the first time he has come, he is a photographer and he has come several times to take photos with Masha as a model I don't think their relationship goes further than a working relationship
  5. Look like for the same game as others Escape game 😉
  6. As I already told you, you made the same comments to Carla and Yanai when they only left on weekends
  7. By the way, Carla's guest is naked in the bathroom for a shower 😉
  8. Do you use a pop up blocker? this may be your problem, me it happens sometimes that my pc does not give me the right to open a page by clicking directly on it, to do it I must click differently by opening a new page I do not know if this is understandable but know that it is very clear in my head
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording In fact, you have to go back a little bit further to see that all this is not theirs but Carla and Yanai 😉
  10. strange the link working for me and for others, i don't think we are better than you by clicking this link
  11. If you took the time to think a little bit about my words, you would realize that I am only talking about what it could cost at this wonderful couple of Carla and Yanai in the future and what we can lose as premium member I too would have preferred to have the opportunity to see what they did especially that it seemed to be hot listening to them but that was not the case, I think we can survive this delusion without too much problem, on the other hand it would be worse to lose this couple by imposing constraints I see what's happening to couples on VHTV, and I don't want the same thing to happen on RLC, that's all
  12. Do you have a premium subscription to RLC, the one that gives access to replay?
  13. Much better than yesterday's little oops where she already had the same reaction
  14. It all depends on what they mean by fixed it could be the fact that the camera is no longer covered or that they warned Carla of the situation We'll see tonight if the gang is still sleeping here
  15. Salut, pas de soucis moi j'étais au travail 😉 Au moins, tu restes cohérents dans ce cas En fait, on a pas perdu en spontanéité, c'est juste que les show dans les GOV sont plus visibles car il y a moins d'appartements de couples, quand les couples Russes étaient présent, il y avait déjà la même fréquences de show au sein des GOV, mais cela ce noyait dans la masse, et je peux te dire que si les filles font cela ce n'est en aucun cas parce qu'elles sont forcés de le faire, elles le font uniquement parce qu'elles savent qu'elles vont se faire un bon gros billet à la fin du mois Bonne journée à toi
  16. Merci pour ce message qui est constructif Je vais te donner aussi mon point de vue sur cela si tu veux bien Je suis peut-être voir même certainement naïf mais je ne pense pas que rlc ait changé tant que cela au fil des années, nous avons depuis longtemps des shows fait dans les appartements GOV, le seul grand changement, c'est la perte des appartements qui étaient en Russie et le fait que nous ne connaissons ni les causes et les conséquences de cela, mais rien de surprenant vue que rlc n'a jamais était les rois de la communications Depuis que je suis membres premium de rlc, j'ai toujours eu l'impression qu'ils mettaient en priorité leur participants par rapport à leur client, sinon ils n'auraient pas mis en place ce système de détection pour pouvoir punir les clients de partages Pour ma part, je trouve normal qu'ils disent qu'ils ne tolèrent pas la drogues dans les appartements, cela est tout à fait logique et c'est bien pour cela que les participants et leur guests se mettent hors caméras quand ils font cela, comme on dit chez nous, pas vue, pas pris, comme cela il n'y a aucune vrai preuve, seulement de la suspicion Maintenant j'aimerais te poser une question, As tu fait les mêmes messages que maintenant quand il y avait une soirée chez Anabel et Efim, ou Eva et Sam ou encore R1 ou R2? Ou as tu tout simplement fermé les yeux à cette époque parce que rlc te donnait ce que tu voulais? Je te dis cela car les visites dans les toilettes à plusieurs ou le fait de partir hors caméra étaient monnaie courante dans ces divers appartements Je me rappel d'une soirée à R1 organiser par Kristy de mémoire où des guests ont eu la bonne idée de sortir les joints devant la caméra de la restroom, l'appartement a était mis en maintenance quasiment dans la foulée ce qui prouve que oui la drogue n'est pas tolérée quand elle est visible et que les gens s'en plaignent Je dit cela car une fille chez Anabel et Efim a réussi à ce faire un rail de poudre blanche sans que personne ne s'en aperçoive alors qu'elle était face cam, je dois peut-être être un des rares à l'avoir vue Tout cela pour dire que la drogue au sein des différents appartements à toujours exister et que ce n'est pas exclusif aux participants GOV et COV que nous avons maintenant Après même si je suis d'accord pour dire que la drogue c'est mal, les soirées où l'alcool coule à flot ne sont pas meilleures et ne devraient pas forcement être plus tolérable, mais là encore, je ne pense pas t'avoir vue te plaindre pour cela Par rapport à la cohérence de rlc, je pense que cela est en rapport avec l'accord de la personne qui travail indirectement pour rlc d'être vue ou non par les caméras Je vais conclure sur cela, je pense qu'on donne en général trop de pouvoirs à rlc sans prendre en compte le libre arbitre des participants, car ce sont eux qui font les choses que l'on voit
  17. Souvent quand le sujet est rlc Je préfère te le dire pour éviter que tu dises que tu te fait censurer à cause d'un langage qui n'a pas lieu d'être sur le forum
  18. I remember that it also happened to Anabel and Efim, that a guest couple covered a camera to fuck, we even saw a female guest make a mock of coke By cons I never had the impression that they had a fine for it
  19. Je donne simplement un point de vue Tu peux donner le tiens si tu veux, par contre sans insulte si possible
  20. I just give my point of view I prefer to have an apartment full of life with the visit of guests who sometimes can be uncomfortable with the cameras and who prefer to hide them, rather than an apartment where nothing happens, Leora and Malia or Kylie and Rus are the perfect examples You who like to compare with VHTV, do you think that it is the best thing to do than to fine the participants for the actions of guests and ask them not to bring them back? how many participants decided to leave this project because of this? how many have decided not to bring guests anymore so as not to receive a fine? By doing this, it is the premium members who are losing
  21. I will give my idea as I conceive it, in relation to the cameras which can be covered This site is called Real life cam so for my part, the cams covered by guests are part of this real life even if we do not have the possibility of seeing things if we take this couple, they came to friends, for a party, who live in an apartment with cameras They do not sign any contract with rlc to be seen, especially when there is an intimate moment, some hide under sheets, others block the view of the cameras, in the end it is the same if nothing is visible I f these people are told by Carla and Yanai not to cover the cameras or that Carla and Yanai are fined for this while asking them that their friends will not come back because of triste, then we are not talking about real life anymore because it will mean that it is rlc or premium members who take control of the lives of participants by telling them who they have the right to see or not I do not attack anyone because I am sure that rlc must have received many emails but I find it pretty silly to complain about this especially if it penalizes the participants, the only thing we will gain is to have couples who will no longer share anything in their lives with us and who will no longer party at home
  22. thank you but I don't think I asked for help to clarify my comments, the best would be to make your own post with your ideas
  23. I think we can do the same analysis with Nina and Kira on VHTV because most of them who follow them on RLC like to comment on everything they can do and not just comment when guests are present or in relation to sex because it's almost only what stands out compared to other apartments if you look at the forum more closely But since there are a lot of porn actresses or camgirls, I feel like the fun of VH is gone now there are two clans, porn actresses and camgirls or do nothing, this term does not come from me, because personally I find these apartments much more interesting than all the others
  24. women are complicated to understand the cameras are covered by her but that didn't stop her from changing clothes in the bathroom showing us her naked body 🙂
  25. Because they don't come to a voyeur apartment, they come to see friends
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