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Everything posted by moos54

  1. c'est parce qu'on est très aimé par rlc et qu'ils nous surveille beaucoup
  2. cela n'a rien à voir avec le forum mais de la volonté de RLC pour qu'il n'y ait pas leur contenu ailleurs que sur leur site merci de ne pas confondre et faire ce genre de conclusion ma magie n'a pas duré aussi longtemps que je le voudrais
  3. les amitiés existe déjà, Kim et Bonnie sont un parfait exemple :-)
  4. Comme Kim est en train de faire le second lit dans la chambre de Amelie et Assol, je pense qu'il y a une grande probabilité de voir une soirée à B4 ce soir avec B5
  5. Si l'appartement s'appel B5 ce n'est pas pour rien Il se trouve à Barcelone Nous avons pu voir ces derniers temps la visite de Kim ou Olya pour ne citer qu'elles
  6. I think Bonnie has entered on her period Otherwise for what I saw of her, she was always a little strange with contradictory behaviors so that doesn't surprise me too much
  7. c'est un peu le principe vue qu'elles font parti d'un site porno qui s'appel du même nom que cet appartement tape Julmodels sur internet, tu verra c'est magique 😉
  8. I have all of them, but don't you see that normally it should not be in black and white but in color?
  9. I used an extension that allowed me to display them, one day I saw that it no longer worked, I deleted it but could not download it again this is what i have
  10. Do you know sarcarms? But with chrome, I only really see the emoticons we had at the start of the forum, that's why i use them a lot in my posts I do not know why but the other emojis either do not appear or I see them in white it must surely come from an extension problem but so far I have not found the one that will solve the problem for me
  11. at least they put energy into it and seem to enjoy doing it
  12. we can see that people look at this apartment only for the women that Hakeem can have at home it's been several days since he left with a big bag and nobody talks about it
  13. I think containment plays a major role in this development I'm not sure things would have been the same during a normal stay
  14. there are updates, so if you do not see them it is because you did not read the rules at the beginning
  15. I think we must also take into account that nobody knew at the time how the virus really worked, moreover we still don't really know it since we are still discovering things about it at this very moment Do we need masks? Don't you need masks? Contagion by droplets? By a simple contact as harmless as shaking hands? now experts speak of contagion by simply breathing and exhaling air Have there been mistakes, yes without a doubt, but mistakes have been made by all the other countries not taking the right measures at the right time, minimizing the impact of this virus The President of the United States made this error, my President made this error, other presidents also made this error WHO warned the world in late January of the danger of the virus, which was surely too late and most countries woke up that in early March the damage had already been done The anticipation was bad for everyone
  16. Do not you think that it can come by having made the decisions to set up the containment of the popultation? because it avoids the contagion of people at risk even if there are a lot of people who can be without symptoms I think there is still enough example which indicates that even people in very good health can be reached by putting them in an artificial coma for failure of the respiratory system So if this virus puts this kind of person in bad shape, what do you think is going on with people who have more fragile health?
  17. you said this "a disease that was inflicted on the world and the U.S. by China" and you said this "the virus originated in China" I don't know about you but these two sentences do not say the same thing for me, should I also give you a semantics course in addition to mathematics?
  18. I would like to know one thing, do you think that the figures for a simple flu are themselves correct?, Do you think that everyone is tested for simple flu? I don't think so and in the end the simple number that really matters is that of mortality All the figures indicate that the places where the covid is really present are in excess mortality compared to the figures of the same month of last year This means that there are many more deaths than during a simple flu period, so I think we can conclude that the covid is more deadly than a simple flu It's logic and math
  19. yes you are right, this disease comes from an international plot , I seem to be reading Trump's words are you sure you didn't test the various health solutions said by your president too? Do you really want me to teach you how math works? We are 67 million in France against 328 in the United States, I just compare with the difference in population But it's true that if we take the mortality figures we should rather be on a multiplication between 3 or 4, which always makes a lot of deaths
  20. I don't work in the media so I can't tell you why In this kind of work, they often like to make comparisons on significant events, so it is easier to do it with a trying war like that of Vietnam rather than to do it with the figures of the flu which returns each year. Especially that in the end, it was proven that the covid was much more deadly than the simple flu By the way, doctors are discovering new effects related to covid every day because we don't really know what it does yet, but apparently it can do a lot of harm in any healthy person or not
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