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Everything posted by moos54

  1. With the health problems that paralyze Europe, I would say that she is not about to leave
  2. Italy and Spain in total containment now, France will surely follow the same path soon
  3. it's almost a shame that Ulyana's guest left before yesterday, it could have been an even more epic evening, because it's well known that 5 girls is better than 4
  4. there is no real interaction between Ulyana and Olivia, apart from putting a vibrator on kitty very quick, there is no kissing or licking pussy as they could each do with Fiora or Olivia's guest
  5. there is no stupid post, some people have information that others don't it still shows that girls are often narcissistic because they are not the first to look at their reflection and it will surely not be the last either
  6. this guy is strong, he manages to maintain 5 differents kinds of relationship or even almost 6, all while making believe that each girl is unique and that he is exclusive with them I would already like to succeed in having at least one relationship for my part
  7. that's the best birtday party on RLC happy birtday Fiora, Olivia's pussy for gift isn't too bad 😉
  8. To avoid confusion, let's call her Olivia's guest until she has an official name with RLC, if she has of course
  9. the only guys they tease are those who watch rlc, because they look in a bay window that has only a view of the sea
  10. I don't know how works a Brothel but i don't think you can have a fun party with four girls who knows each other since many years like we have right now with B2
  11. With all the difficulties to enter or leave a Country, it might be better for RLC to offer the vacant place of B2 at Olivia's guest, because not sure that other girl can come and join them now Especially I love the atmosphere in this apartment at the moment, I have the impression of rediscovering the spirit of R1 with these girls
  12. Ulyana, Assol and Fiora but Bonnie too if we can count COV :-)
  13. dans la chambre, il y a quelques jours, ils n'ont fait que l'anal
  14. je crois que tu fantasme trop La plupart des filles viennent d'Ukraine ou de Russie, elles prennent l'avion, on peut le voir avec leur valises qui ont les documents d'enregistrement de l'aéroport de Barcelone Les filles ont pour la plupart toutes une ancienne connaissance qui est ou a était une participante de RLC, voilà comment fonctionne RLC, par le bouche à oreille et par les contacts des autres participantes Avec la fermeture des frontières pour une période plus ou moins longue qui prend effet dans la plupart des pays qu'à partir de ce soir, c'était surement la dernière chance pour faire venir et partir des personnes En générale, comme RLC et les filles ont le projet de rester le plus longtemps possible, nous allons surement garder ces filles pendant toute cette période de quarantaine Par contre, oui je te confirme qu'il y a une grand communauté Russo Ukrainienne au sein même de Barcelone, et donc qu'il y a surement toujours la possibilité de trouver des filles localement, mais pour cela il faudrait déjà réussir à faire repartir celles qui sont déjà présentes, ce qui ne va plus être si facile maintenant -------- I think you are fantasizing too much Most of the girls come from Ukraine or Russia, they take the plane, we can see it with their suitcases which have the documents of registration of the airport of Barcelona Most of the girls have an old acquaintance who is or was a RLC participant, this is how RLC works, by word of mouth and through the contacts of other participants With the closing of the borders for a more or less long period which takes effect in most countries than from this evening, it was surely the last chance to bring and leave people In general, as RLC and the girls plan to stay as long as possible, we will probably keep these girls during this quarantine period On the other hand, yes I confirm to you that there is a large Russo Ukrainian community within Barcelona itself, and therefore that there is surely always the possibility of finding girls locally, but for that it would be necessary already to succeed in setting out again the ones that are already there, which is not going to be so easy anymore
  15. all non essential businesses that must be closed I will not have much work in the coming days because I have a lot to do with this kind of business
  16. she's living in B2 right now in B4 it's her first time, but it's also just for a party
  17. je dirais même que parfois, elle ne fait que de l'anal 😉
  18. they have already moved quite a few things, whether with suitcases or bags, I have the impression that they came to Spain with all their belongings coming from Russia I don't know why but I have the impression that this is not the end of the RLC adventure with them, I have a funny feeling when I see them packing their bags but maybe I am wrong
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