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Everything posted by moos54

  1. she grew up a year since it was her birthday a few days ago
  2. je ne sais pas s'il y a vraiment une bonne ou une mauvaise tactique, dans tout les cas il y a aura pas mal de mort le seul choix qu'il faudrait que tout les pays prennent, c'est celui d'un confinement total sans aucune permission comme les chinois, et encore ils s'en sortent seulement vraiment que maintenant alors qu'ils ont le problème depuis fin décembre on ne sortira pas de chez nous avant mai je pense
  3. mince mauvaise traduction de ce que je voulais dire, je voulais dire que les chiffres viennent de tomber et qu'ils ne sont pas bon ça augmente malheureusement et le maire de New York est vraiment pessimiste sur la situation accusant le président Américain de n'avoir pas fait les choses correctement
  4. the death toll in the us has just dropped and they are not very good
  5. For the moment I have the impression that it is only the Germans who manage to do well against this virus despite a large population affected In France, an experimental vaccine that looks promising is under study having already had several cases of cure by using it, if this confirms, it could perhaps save humanity
  6. even if we are in confinement, we are not necessarily all the time on the pc, I just did a little cleaning so that this subject remains what it is
  7. I don't think Amelie is having fun putting Assol's things away so I would say that the suitcase that is still on the ground is that of Assol Amelie is the girl who wears the red nightie and who is in the room Assol is the one dressed in black in the kitchen
  8. it must be hard to live for the medical profession which cannot save their patients I saw a report in a hospital at their place, and for the moment the only patients who leave are those which leave between four boards, and yet I do not doubt at all the efforts provided to save them big prey for italian people
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording far from me wanting to judge Amelie mentally but it is she who put away her things and emptied her suitcase, for the fact that she is not invested her bed, it is because I think she prefers to stay with Assol
  10. without color legend, this map saying nothing for me
  11. Since everyone sees RLC as an employer, what they are more or less surely, I would just like to say that I am an adult, I follow the rules dictated by my government, but that does not prevent my company from sending me emails to give me instructions to deal with this crisis, I have been on partial unemployment since Monday evening Maybe also that RLC takes its responsibilities but that the girls do not follow them Personally your war against RLC at the moment, everyone does not care royally, the goal is that people do not take unnecessary risks if there is no need to take them, I may be hard but the girls don't need to go outside the apartments apart from having to do some food shopping, especially since tourism is closed as well as non-essential shops it doesn't prohibit any of the girls from having their boyfriends with them if possible, in the case of Elettra and Spain, it doesn't have it, and you have to make a choice, it is as simple as that, and this should have been done from the start of the containment of the country, a week ago They can even do as many shows as they want as long as it allows them not to take any risks even if i am not a big fan of them Many people die from this virus every day and it is not just unhealthy people but I do not feel that people really understand the seriousness of the situation
  12. the problem is not that idiot is infected, the problem is that he can infect all the people around him without realizing it, that's the big problem of this virus there is no divine justice in it because he can have no symptoms while others can die from it I think they have to make a choice, either he stays at B1 with Elettra, or Elettra joins him at home, or during this quarantine period, everyone stays at home it's not difficult to understand and I think the authorities of each country make it clear There are still too many unjustified outings for my taste on the part of the participants who live in Spain where the disease is really very present, everyone is free to choose but it would be a shame if it was the others who paid the pot break this lack of civility RLC should send the message to participants to follow the guidelines of each country which does not seem to be followed at the moment
  13. elle offre sa nudité presque tout les jours, que ce soit dans sa chambre, dans le salon, dans la salle de bain ou dans la chambre de Leora pour une fille qui se cachait quand Leora avait son appartement en Russie, je pense qu'elle a fait déjà pas mal d'effort et moi je la vois souvent sourire quand elle discute avec Leora
  14. RLC choices are like the sanitary conditions for covid-19, it changes all the time
  15. We will see, but as I said before, the news of what is happening in the world and in Spain makes me say that it will be difficult to bring girls or guys not living already in the country But there is a large Russo Ukrainian community in this city of Barcelona and therefore there may be the possibility of finding locally even if the current rules of confinement in Spain is to stay at home without going out for useless things or coming live elsewhere I also want to say that Kim lived in this room alone for a while and that she was not the only one to have done so already.
  16. For the moment I would say yes, and then with containment, they will not have much choice I also wonder if Alexandra and Lucian are not acquaintances of Rama because Rama seems to speak to them quite easily since they arrived but he is maybe just a nice guy 😉
  17. I don't want to spoil anything but the cleaning lady is in the tub guys
  18. they seem to work like this together And for me, seeing their rings on their fingers, they are married To see over time if the sex changes between them and if there is still no adaptation to do because of the cameras it seemed to be the case also between Bonnie and Rama, now it seems to be much better
  19. yes I think so too, however strangely during the first shower it was Amelie who was more open with the presence of the cameras while Assol was quite shy But over time, the trend is reversed by having an Assol who is often in underwear and who takes baths or showers with light which Amelie has a hard time doing it It interests me to see how the two girls are going to evolve in their new bedroom and especially new bathroom because I can hardly see them going up each time to use the bathtub as before.
  20. I do not know if he is an employee of RLC but he strongly resembles at Bogdan
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