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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Unfortunately you are not fooling people, you appeared right after we made the decision to limit access to the forum to Cody and you make the same posts as him Difficult not to see a coincidence and not to conclude that you are the same person Now if you have smart things to say about this Coronavirus problem that doesn't include links to Trump and his crisis management, then this topic is for you.
  2. it's clear we can give the good and bad points when all this is behind us most countries in the world make pretty much the same decisions for their people, so we only have the choice for once to do what we're told because it's the best thing to do
  3. Oui tu as tout bien compris La différence entre nous et Enigma alias Cody c'est ça Lui il est présent uniquement pour critiquer les choix de Trump en mettant des liens, mais ce sujet pour le Coronavirus n'est pas fait pour cela, c'est aussi simple que cela On pourrait tout autant faire de même mais pourtant nous ne le faisons pas car nous parlons exclusivement du Coronavirus et des conséquences de celui-ci
  4. there is no doubt about it because the only thing that Enigma alias Cody does is simply to make this subject political to be able to continue to criticize Trump because it is only the only thing that he can do Of course we are talking about the choices of our policies and the different measures put in place to fight this virus, but we are not taking sides, there's a big difference between what most of the members say here, and what Enigma wants to do
  5. today a 28 years old guy is dead in my country so yes the elderly are unfortunately the most vulnerable but nobody is really safe Personally I would not want to mortgage my luck to know if this virus will harm me or not As Firewall says, half of the people in intensive care are people between 40 and 65 years old
  6. Simply because she talked about it and showed pictures in the kitchen directly to the camera 😉
  7. I really hope that this will never be the case and even if they are young and healthy people, so risking less the serious side of it, it is better not to take any unnecessary risk in this period
  8. this virus does not look if you are a democrat or a republican, it does not look if you are black, white or yellow (sorry chinese), it does not look either if you are a man or a woman, and finally it does not look if you are a child, adult or elderly person this virus makes no difference, it makes sick and kills anyone we will learn lessons and we can criticize the powers that put them when all this is behind us I would also like to remind you that this subject has no political vocation and if you want to do it, then thank you for doing it elsewhere
  9. I never thought that they really left Barcelona and even if they live in the same building, the word confinement and the rules of good living together is not made just to be beautiful in speeches
  10. you are really trying to make us believe that you are not Cody You're almost as funny as your president when he tweets
  11. it's true that we saw all the potential excitement that it could generate with Sofie's apartment 😅
  12. i have nothing against her but I still have the impression that the Russians have trouble understanding the word "confinement" it's true there are only more than 2000 dead in spain due to this virus, so let's take a walk and go see some friends
  13. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Nice girl 😍
  14. Les points c'est parce qu'il ne peut pas traduire ce qu'il n'entend pas audiblement
  15. there is just a way of saying things, without necessarily trolling the forum, without offending or insulting people because they do not have the same vision as you Some do it very well, others do not
  16. I do not think it is the time to look for a culprit or to say that this or that government is the best in times of crisis as we can live it currently I think most governments around the world have simply underestimated the power of this virus by thinking that it would remain in Asian countries as it did a few years ago All measures are taken day by day according to the degree of exposure and this virus has not finished making victims It's time for unity to be able to rebuild again, I believe that the planet is also sending us a sign to tell us to stop doing anything with her And if we want to live as well as save the lives of our loved ones, we have no choice but to stay at home for as long as possible, it also helps to curb the number of patients coming to hospitals knowing that those who are forced to work so that we can live decently, this beat and expose themselves every day against this nightmare Stay brave, don't take unnecessary risk of exposure and stay at home 😉
  17. are you really surprised? it's almost become the norm on VH to be also a webcamer there should not be a lot of apartments that you are still looking at since there is even Alisa who does this kind of work Strangely I think there won't be a lot of apartments where the girls won't it's really sad to see what VHTV wants to be towards, I think it's a marketing mistake
  18. only if or when they open their eyes to all its inconsistencies and justifications, but don't we say that love is blind? and as I think he is not emotionally attached to these girls, he will easily replace them without any hard feelings
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