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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Just listen to the conversations and maybe this one will come πŸ˜‰
  2. it's because you did not tell her that she had to catch Elvira to eat her pussy ^^
  3. do you know that everything is not necessarily theater and that some real things happen in the various apartments πŸ˜‰ Yes blondie has to kiss the other girl, it's not a kiss to make the audience, it's a kiss made by a girl who appreciates the other girl very much Besides she was a little care with her because the girlfriend seems to suffer from the nipple, will seem an infection elsewhere, and I do not think we can play the suffering like that 😁
  4. yes i agree by the way, you are wrong about her because she was all this week end in R1 😁
  5. this will be my last message because anyway we are talking to a wall Where do you see I'm looking for a fight? Where am I trying to be right? People before me, and people after me tell you exactly the same thing as me Do you really think we're all looking for a fight? Or we all want to be right and we're all against you? i never banned you by the way
  6. Clive tu redeviens cette personne qui commence de nouveau Γ  devenir mΓ©chante envers les autres, personne te manque de respect, il serait peut Γͺtre sympa de faire de mΓͺme il y aune diffΓ©rence entre une fille qui danse nue sous la douche qui n'engendrera pas forcΓ©ment une vignette replay car tout le monde connait son corps nue sous la douche, d'un plan Γ  trois, surtout avec une guest, qui engendrera presque systΓ©matiquement une vignette, voir mΓͺme plusieurs πŸ˜‰
  7. je vais te l'expliquer en franΓ§ais car je sais que tu va le comprendre πŸ˜‰ A part un montage photo oΓΉ tu mettra sa tΓͺte sur le corps de Jewel, tu ne trouvera rien avec cette fille Ce baiser reste pour le moment, la seule chose sexuel qu'elle a pu partager avec Dick devant les camΓ©ras On est quand mΓͺme plusieurs a te dire la mΓͺme chose, que ce n'est pas elle mais Jewel, il serait peut Γͺtre temps d'admettre que tu as tord une bonne fois pour toute A ce moment lΓ , tu n'Γ©tais pas un membre premium, moi et les autres si, donc si on te dis que c'est Jewel, c'est parce qu'on est certain de ce qu'on avance Voila exactement mes mots, je t'accuse de rien, je te dit simplement que tu ne trouvera pas ce que tu cherches car cela n'existe pas, et si le veux vraiment, il faudra inventer cette photo Pour le fait que tu ne soit pas premium Γ  ce moment lΓ , je ne fait que de la dΓ©duction, car si tu l'Γ©tais, tu aurais sΓ»rement fait la vidΓ©o et tu te rendrais compte que ce n'est pas cette fille qui Γ  baiser avec Dick, et je confirme que Dick n'a baiser qu'uniquement avec Jewel dans cet appartement, deux ou trois fois si mes comptes sont juste J'arrive pas Γ  comprendre comment tu peux accuser une dizaine de personnes qui te disent exactement la mΓͺme chose, encore et encore, alors que tu es le seul Γ  penser que ce soit le contraire, Γ  un moment donner, il y a des batailles qu'il faut savoir perdre, il y a rien de mal d'avoir tord, je fais aussi de temps en temps des erreurs et je les admets sans aucun problΓ¨me quand les autres me le font savoir
  8. some people have replay, so we can miss in live but not in replay a little later after
  9. Apart from a photo montage where you put her head on the body of Jewel, you will not find anything with this girl πŸ˜‚ This kiss remains for the moment, the only sexual thing she could share with Dick in front of the cameras πŸ˜‰ We are still several to tell you the same thing, that it is not her but Jewel, it might be time to admit that you are wrong once and for all At this moment, you were not a premium member, me and the others yes, so if we tell you that it's Jewel, it's because we're certain of what we're saying πŸ˜‰
  10. it was Jewel πŸ˜‚ When many people tell you that you are wrong, knowing that they all say the same thing, it is rather you who cheat on yourself and not others, it also allows you to question yourself Finally when we really want it ^^
  11. or maybe because you saw a threesome who never started ^^ Jane and Dick made threesome with only the same girl, Jewel Katya, this little one, never fuck anybody on cams, she stayed in the guestroom to sleep for few days and we saw her naked when she took showers
  12. the blonde guest is new πŸ˜‰ it's her first time in the apartment this morning
  13. - open shower - Topless most of the time - walked in the apartment naked so yes, there are a lot of difference between her first time and now πŸ˜‰
  14. sorry i made my comment about what i see on the forum, and what i know about VHTV, i am never be a VHTV premium member
  15. it's still your own interpretation of what must be a voyeur site I'm not saying that what you say is bad but it's just your point of view, just like the rules you make, it's just your point of view but I'm sure everyone has their own interpretation of things, you have to just accept it
  16. For me, I do not really see any change, I just see a business boss who tries to diversify to keep it still competitive that's why they started twitter and a lot of things later I just have a question for you because I can not always understand you, you complain that VHTV is no longer for voyeurs but it does not bother you to see girls show on charturbate when they are in the apartments of VH Can you tell me where is the voyeur side with this kind of girls?
  17. The problem with VHTV is not that it's not a voyeurism site The problem is that they are clairvoyants, they know 1h before the girl will masturbate with a wig and in the kitchen πŸ˜‚
  18. Because VHTV was a voyeur site? from the beginning they advertise on twitter and almost all couples also have a twitter account to promote their apartments, tweeting and retwitting their sex scene with guests, who for the most part are perfect strangers, so yes that is good porn, more or less amateur, but there is nothing new under the sun since this is done from the beginning πŸ˜‰ I do not know about you, but I've never seen in the definition of the word voyeurism, that there was a talking part about using twitter or other social media to promote anything So finally what has changed? before you liked but now you do not like anymore because it has become too porn for you? Sorry to push open doors but there is only your vision of the project that has changed because VHTV was, is and will always be an amateur porn site πŸ˜‰ And if you're looking on the net, because I do not want to advertise, you can find VHTV on at least one of the well-known sites that promote this kind of site I just hope that everyone involved in this kind of project is well aware of it, although they are there to attract the audience and thus make the most money as possible, because in the end it's good for that this kind of site exists, make money for people while giving pleasure to those who want to watch this kind of thing πŸ˜‰
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