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Everything posted by moos54

  1. It's not a guess unfortunaly 😢 Did you send a message to their support of the reason for this long maintenance, even if you risk having a generic answer, this is the only way to have an information coming from them
  2. she packed yesterday, she left this morning but her suitcase is still in the hall floor, so she's coming back today at least :-)
  3. Why did she get all her belongings that was stored in the living room furniture and put them in her suitcase if it's to move into this apartment, on the same sofa where she lives for months? The logic tells me that she is not Rosalie but that she opened the idea of a fourth girl sleeping in the living room seen that it is what she did for a long time
  4. A big thank you to this beautiful girl named Jaya, great time to follow between the sport, the shower, her move in the apartment completely naked, and especially her joy to listen the music, frankly I love even if they are only small simple things We already know very well Gina and the twins and I think that Jaya has found its place in this apartment ❤️
  5. She had all her belongings in the TV cabinet that she emptied to put in the suitcase, even if she has not taken it yet, it does not look like a girl who moves in
  6. they said to you Rosalie is the little blondie? or just Rosalie use the living room? i have a doubt about who is Rosalie because blondie packed all her stuff in suitcase, so she's not moving in but more moving out for me
  7. Yes she's Taya she was with Will and Olivia and Nick used the guestroom as their room in the same apartment
  8. Tu peux mais ils ont une tolérance zéro et font la chasse des images et des vidéos provenant de leur site C'est pour cela que les images peuvent disparaître plus tôt de ton hébergeur
  9. elle risque d'être même supprimé avant avec RLC ^^
  10. Seulement la soeur de Bogdan, l'autre fille n'est qu'une amie de la soeur de Bogdan
  11. This place isn't a camshow all the time anyway?
  12. En même temps quand un homme est énervé, il fait n'importe quoi Vaut mieux que ce soit la porte plutôt que quelqu'un par exemple
  13. Are you aware that the musical instrument is not always present?😁 These cams will surely be very useful in time, whether when Anabel masturbates or when the couple sleeps in this room in the summer, and especially will be really interesting when they will have parties with couples who stay until the early morning
  14. i know a lot of things about tenants, but nothing what i know is because i am a moderator i have also somebody who speak Russian in my friends Nelly and Bogdan started the project as guest at Dasha and Demid Apartment many years ago Masha was also a guest at Dasha Masha (Dasha too) and Nelly used skype to speak each other so yes i know they are friends 😉
  15. N and B are here because they are friends with all of them, that's all
  16. these days i am not looking about r2 girls i lie, i am looking only the guest in Angie room 😁 (most of the time in the shower too)
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