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Everything posted by moos54

  1. they set this forum on fire in few weeks ;-), i see the action why i say that ;-) competition in the air with Lia, Mia and Gina
  2. RLC never allowed its content to be broadcast, and there is a warning that no one can miss, so RLC does not take anyone into traitor on this fact For VH, at first it was for the sharing of everything but he quickly understood that the sharing of video went against his business, I am happy for VH, that the members are listening to him, the photos are ample enough to make you want to Take or not its subscription, and by this fact, make its own memories
  3. he was the first to posting pictures so i think it's ok for him
  4. this viewer girl was in the hallowen party at Dasha house on RLC ^^
  5. this is not a game They got married yesterday Congratulations to you
  6. It's not really comparable, in one case just enough to change ip and in the other you can do the same but you only have your eyes to cry in relation to your subscription
  7. so you isn't a premium member for RLC, you don't take a risk because you post video from free cam ^^
  8. i don't know why you speack all the time with the word "cast" all the girls in this house are very close friends to Kamila and Kristy
  9. parce que tu attend vraiment quelques choses des filles de Barcelone ^^ elles prennent les lieux comme une grande scène de spectacle pour faire plaisir aux caméra, tout n'est que jeux finalement
  10. Trust People do you want but masha and sasha are in italy city of Rome I think i have more really information because i know real name of masha and more guest in this house You are wrong that's it
  11. This is not to defend RLC but they have established simple rules that is not to share their content and they do not do so in treacherous view that they prevent "Video has additional hidden watermarks with user ID. Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited". After that it is like someone who steals or kills, it is forbidden by the law, but if it does it nevertheless it is that it is conscious to do it against this law. I can understand that it is easier to blame the system than hymself When you play with fire, you also have to know how to lose And for those who will say that I have a speech for RLC, I have also already been banished and I accept the decision Even VHTV begins to cringe when people broadcast videos of their content, and it is normal that everyone want to protect their work
  12. i give you the answer, just look better the forum and stop for asking
  13. i vote for kristy because it's kristy, what else ^^
  14. Nina and Kira is one couple on RLC in Russia Carina and Sabrina was another couple on RLC in Barcelona I think you confuse quite a lot of things Two couples do not know each other at all but for information Sabrina was short hair and Carina was curly hair
  15. At the same time that it bothers to have the opportunity to see full of beautiful young women who are not afraid of cameras ;-)
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