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Everything posted by moos54

  1. When I see some comments made today, it reinforces my idea that nothing really happened between Anabel and Bogdan in Russia 🤣
  2. They still eating, watching tv or talking together ...
  3. Must she necessarily follow the others in everything they do or does she also have the right not to want to do like the others? Personally, I find it more difficult to understand the logic of forum members than to understand what I am looking at on my computer screen with RLC participants 🤣
  4. Martina n'est jamais allée en Russie dans un appartement avec des caméras, tu confond avec une autre personne Surtout que je suis persuadé que Martina était présente chez elle pendant que Eva prenait le bain avec sa guest
  5. Eva et Martina ne se connaissent pas et n'ont jamais rien partager ensemble 😁
  6. I know, and from my point of view, it's already a problem I think it's you who doesn't want to understand what we're trying to tell you because you don't have enough perspective about Kitty Like I told you, a real friend knows how to make sense of things, if you can't do it, then you're not a friend, you're just a fan who chats with his idol try to think about it
  7. Why no one can figure out that he could have become friends with Fiora, Harley, Ulyana and especially Olivia, as well as other participants like Kylie and Rus Is it so hard to understand?
  8. Real good friends also know how to say what's wrong with their friends. So all of defending Kitty whatever she does is not doing her any favors. I agree with DDHM on the fact that Kitty can simply tell you what you want to hear which results in you wanting to defend her in the forum because apparently it is an important thing for her, and I think it is simply her great fault, appearing in the eyes of other people seems to take too important place in her life, we can easily see it on her social networks unfortunately But in this case if Kitty is so different between what she says to you and what we can see in front of the cameras 24/7 for 4 years, then that would mean that Kitty has locked herself in a role, but I don't think you can act for that long in front of cameras I'm not saying she's lying to you or anything, but you can still wonder about her behavior.
  9. If you take into account that they have been friends for a long time before RLC, it's not so strange that they live together in B5
  10. Marlene avait l'air tellement ennuyer par cela qu'elle en rigole même avec Karol 🤣
  11. Elle est trop obnubilée par le show surtout 🤣 Que ce soit Tweety, Olivia ou Loraine, elles ne sont que des partenaires de show, rien de plus
  12. En quoi elle ne respecte pas ses colocataire si elle nettoie la baignoire après? Surtout que je pense que cela ne dérange que toi et non les coloc de Karol 😁
  13. ce n'est pas parce que TOI tu ne le fait pas que les autres ont l'obligation de ne pas le faire et puis tout dépend de la taille du chien En soit, une baignoire on peut la nettoyer donc je ne vois pas vraiment le problème
  14. Tu me fera aussi le plaisir de t'offusquer de la même manière quand on voit Martina et Alberto ou Gyana et Dantez faire exactement la même chose avec leur chien 🤣 Même Kitty et Smith ont déjà du le faire 😁
  15. Je ne sais pas si tu regarde souvent mais une baignoire ça se nettoie, et c'est exactement ce que font les filles assez souvent 😁 Par contre j'aimerais bien que tu m'explique ce que fait RLC dans cette histoire vue que c'est Karol qui prend la décision de laver son chien Pourrait on pour une fois arrêter de faire cet amalgame entre RLC et les participants, les participants sont libres de faire plus ou moins ce qu'ils veulent Donc parlons de ce que font les participants au lieu de parler de RLC, surtout quand cela n'a aucun intérêt de le faire
  16. I think you have to sometimes know the difference between what you can see on RLC and reality, some things are really done for a specific purpose In our case, the participants very quickly understood what their interest was in doing what they did (often this is the case within the GOV and COV apartments), there was never any sexual attraction between these three people What you call threesome, I call that show I think we quickly understood that Viola had limits not to be exceeded within the apartment in view of her very many phone calls and above all they needed to take products to do what they did
  17. Trust what you want but it never was threesome between them and Viola 😁
  18. The inevitable has happened, they are no longer part of this project for the second time I hope they can find happiness separately because we have seen that even with feelings, some people are not compatible and it is better to separate before the drama happens Kitty has a fairly strong character while Smith is more of the type to let himself be dominated, but that's precisely the problem because by force the water overflows from the vase and when it breaks, it gives signs of physical violence on the part of Smith, the first time was the glass in the glass of the microwave, which had the effect of seeing them leave for the first time, and this time there was physical violence, whether it was intended or not. But it's not all Smith's fault in this story and Kitty also shares this responsibility, mentally she harassed Smith for years throwing tantrums at him for trivial things. I sincerely think that Kitty needs to work on herself and stop this sick jealousy because it will ruin most of her relationships. One thing I will miss though, is how this family works, because it was really nice to see the different family reunions for parties and birthdays, or just want to come and see them. It was nevertheless a good 4 year experience with them with the lot of ups and downs and I hope the best for them in the future, separately or not and maybe we will see them again in the future, you never know
  19. There is no need for a new topic even if this one is already at 30 pages, especially knowing that it is official that they are no longer part of RLC now
  20. one thing I'm sure is that RLC has absolutely nothing to give a damn about the opinion we can have on CC Otherwise they would not have tried to close the forum a few years ago knowing that they continue to annoy us since compared to the photos or videos that can be published This is also why I find it useless to come and complain about this site on the forum because it does not have the expected effect at all, apart from scaring away the members of the forum.
  21. There have never been so many comments for this couple since it went into under maintenance 😁
  22. Prepare yourself mentally to see him sleep not alone in this big bed 😁
  23. You are part of a too good public in this case and they did a good job if you could believe that they had a real threesome 🤣
  24. Anyway from what I can see, Holly seems to be really enjoying what she's watching. And I think I know what it is, it must be "Emily in Paris" from what I can hear
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