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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Well yes because it's inconceivable for you that they can't be more than that, friends for example 🤣
  2. I really find it difficult at the moment to accept this new reality, thinking that Malia is suffering from the bombs in the same way as the Ukrainian people who have nothing to do with this conflict, which is simply a demonstration of force and power on the world stage But I also know she's not the only one out there, there are plenty of girls we've known as GOVs who are going through the exact same thing as Malia and it saddens me because there's not much we can do about it to help them I also pity the Russian people who will suffer from this war even if we cannot really compare this suffering with that experienced by the Ukrainians it's still a great waste to see that in 2022 we still haven't learned from the mistakes of our ancestors sorry for going off topic but it had to be done
  3. As tu vue l'actualité ces derniers temps? je demande cela car je pense que que c'est beaucoup plus important que tout le reste en ce moment Il faut prendre en compte que Leora est Russe dans un pays qui prend des sanctions contre son pays même si je suppose qu'elle n'a pas le projet d'y revenir un jour, que Paul et Eva sont toujours en Russie et qu'il n'est pas certain qu'ils puissent la rejoindre de sitôt si le conflit persiste, et surtout il faut prendre en compte que sa meilleure amie Malia est actuellement sous les bombes envoyées par les Russes parce qu'elle vit en Ukraine depuis qu'elle est partie de RLC, alors qu'elle est aussi Russe Donc je pense que tout cela affecte Leora comme cela affecte plus ou moins tout le monde en Europe et je suppose qu'être passionnée et passionnante n'est pas la chose la plus importante à ses yeux en ce moment
  4. If the Camcaps forum had as much power as Philo thinks then I don't see why RLC tries to shut us down whenever they can, if we take Philo's point of view it would be like shooting ourselves a bullet in the foot
  5. You really live in a strange world, come talk to me when you come down to Earth 😁
  6. that's your problem, every time you see two people together and disappear from the cameras, you always think it's to fuck 🤣 Is it really inconceivable for you that two people who have had a relationship finally prefer to remain than just friends? I ask you because RLC has absolutely nothing to do with the choices that the people you watch can make 😁
  7. no pizzas but they have something to drink now 😁
  8. Maybe you like risk but others are more measured and thoughtful in these times of crisis 😉
  9. Maybe they left to get food and drink, I can see them coming back with Pizzas
  10. The girls are dying of thirst, since they don't come back 😁
  11. There are quite a lot of former soldiers from all countries who come spontaneously to help Ukrainians because they have experience to give, they give help to refugees but they can also help Ukrainians to fight better On the other hand, I doubt that they will go very far in Ukraine because it should not be taken as a commitment of the country to which they belong since they are not at war. French people have also left recently
  12. I don't know but that's what I thought I understood by reading the various posts about her on the forum when Malia had to leave from those who seem to more or less understand what she can say or do
  13. I sincerely think that Masha and Leora have had a European passport for the time they have been in Europe and therefore do not depend on a visa The only people concerned are the girls of B2 and maybe also Karol, the rest are Ukrainians
  14. It's not going to be easy for Masha yet, she was isolated from her friends and family who are in Russia due to covid restrictions Now it is certain that she will not be able to see them again if she stays in Italy because in my opinion the Russians will have a lot of trouble getting out of their country in the coming weeks, months or even years. That's not going to fix her depression issues.
  15. Nina, I wanted to tell you that I have great respect for you, those who understand what I'm talking about must have access to the same as me
  16. or maybe it's just human to be interested in people we met on rlc and who are currently in a country at war Leora and Malia are above all else very close friends, even best friends, so it's quite normal to see that it affects Leora and that it can let us know how Malia is going through all of this
  17. I'm interested to know how Malia is doing at the moment when she is at the heart of this conflict I hope she will manage to get out of this hell soon Everything else seems completely superfluous to me for the moment
  18. I'm just saying it's easier to talk about things when you're far enough away from the problem like you We're not, so don't do shit everyone might regret.
  19. Sometimes you have to use your head instead of your muscles It's not a story of having a fear of a nuclear attack The United States is as waiting as we are, and I think economic sanctions can have more impact than sacrificing thousands or millions of lives across the planet. We have the means to wage war differently than 100 years ago, let's use it wisely
  20. I do not have the answer I'm just saying that every action has a reaction and we need to be careful You may be less concerned about damage compared to us, especially since you are on another continent. everything must be taken into account
  21. The situation is much more complex than that, especially when you know that many countries can press a button to raze half the globe If NATO enters the conflict, it opens up to a world war and no one will emerge victorious from this. In fact, we see that Russia has allies but who does not fully endorse what Putin has done, ideally these supports should no longer be so to isolate Russia But the problem isn't really the Russian people, it's their leader and their army. There is more possibility of turning the Russian people against them than of entering into the conflict to set the planet on fire I know it's unbearable to see what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians, but unfortunately what the United Nations and NATO are doing is the maximum for the moment That is to say help humanitarianly, financially and by giving them the means to defend themselves for the Ukrainians and by isolating Russia more and more financially I know that Americans like to want to go to war but you also have to know how to think before you act
  22. I think you never watched them when Kristy lived in Russia in this case 😁
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