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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Yury is there any chance of translating some of the things they were saying when they were downstairs with the chocolate
  2. Well what have we learnt today 1 Ilona is like a firecracker and could go off at any opportunity 2 Irma will always be ready for anything that comes along 3 polya just needs some time she will come around If you think when she started she didn't like all the nudity now she is topless all the time so i think she will open up i'm just sad i won't be around to see it
  3. I just woke up it's morning here i just caught the shows what were they doing tonight to make themselves so hornyy?
  4. So true Clive when i started about a 1 year ago i never thought i would get caught up in the drama of it all but it gets you in
  5. Yeah Beav i've got a 10 yr old daughter that takes a lot of my time too I'll pop back from time to time to see whats going on but not like i am now
  6. Well my subscription is due to expire on sunday I'm going to have a break from the forum and RLC It's just taking up too much of my time
  7. Well a very interesting night indeed It be very interesting the next few weeks to see if it's a one time thing or it becomes more regular
  8. I'm just saying the way she hides i love the way the girls are getting on It's great they are friends and polya is beautiful great tits but she hides too much
  9. Kinda like Rita but worse ...she hides worse than Rita she has nice tits but we don't get to see them often enough As for pussy you have to be quick or you miss it
  10. I think RLC needs to get sasha to come and service all these girls I think he could handle the 3 of them
  11. It's the quiet part of the day so if you could ask any of the girls one question what would that be?
  12. Is anyone having this problem when watching RLC in Single Wide Mode the apartments and the rooms drop down for no reason
  13. Has Polya been naked yet i don't see any photo's
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