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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. I don't think he drugged them if he did use some date drug like you say the girls would have been really upset the next day I think they knew what they were doing all along but everything else i agree with
  2. My opinion on the guy is the girls don't seem to mind him so if they are happy i'm happy
  3. I don't think we will get much out of them today They have had a hard few days partying they are feeling it i think
  4. I understand what you are saying about having him around but don't you think the girls felt awkward around him
  5. I watched most of last night and i read a lot of the comments that was said.I agree with most of them about the drugs in the toilet if it wasn't drugs i can't think of another reason why they would be going in there so let's just say it was drugs.I'm sure the girls had Belle at heart when they organized the party but i don't think it went the way they wanted it to.The girls are very close friends and things should have gone smoothly but at times it seemed very awkward and i think it was because of the guy being there.I'm sure the girls would have been topless most of the night if he wasn't there.I have nothing against the guy trying to get one of the girls I'm sure we all would have done the same thing.I saw all the massages but i had enough when he stripped down for his massage so after that i don't know what happened only what i have read on here.
  6. (Posting Videos, Images, Web Links of Past/Former and Current Tenants lives outside of RLC is Strictly Prohibited in Open Forum. The Link Has Been Removed)
  7. Leora guest room bate (Content No Longer Available)
  8. stella in the shower nude would be great if you have

  9. Hi guy's i thought i would pop in and say hi.....i don't think iv'e missed too much while iv'e been gone except polya starting to use her toy that is good to see. Iv'e been watching the Olympics especially the girls beach volleyball but there has already been a wrist injury but i should be ok in a few day's
  10. Probably my last comment for awhile my subscription runs out today so i'm taking a break Dreamer if i can give you one piece of advise is say whatever you want but don't get caught up in the drama of it all Remember it's just a game really and the girls are just inside the game We can't contact them or tell them to act out anyway so just enjoy the show
  11. Sure you can find anything you want on the internet if you look hard enough but the thing with RLC is you get closer to the girls following their lives.You have seen how the guys on here get attached to their favorate girl and love her,it's a bit weird sometimes like that they are their girlfriend or sister or something like that but they get very close.
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