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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Just a feeling or you know something timekeeper? I liked Danaya but she got very depressed the last time she was here Unless she has sorted her depression thing out i don't think she will be a good fit
  2. I hope RLC think long and hard before deciding on Polya's replacement who we all know is leaving soon Belle needs someone young and beautiful like her not another mother figure like Lola or Anna I think RLC can do something spectacular if they pick the right girl but if they pick wrong and we the customers don't like it i can see a hell of a lot of people leaving Everyone can see how upset people were when Rebecca and Megan left very beautiful young girls Could you imagine a house with Belle,Rebecca and Megan in it RLC would make so much money RLC has a chance to do a good thing here for themselves and for us the customer Let's hope they make the right choice
  3. She's saying they want a fucken camera on the balcony Give them a fucken camera on the balcony
  4. What a fizzer Carolina and Anna asleep Megan packing polya went home and the other sitting in the living room like someone died
  5. Iv'e got it worked out Belle and Megan go to her room and start making out Calolina and Anna go to her room and the rest in with Lola
  6. maybe if they din't go out on the fucken balcony so much and scream everything would be ok
  7. Guy's if you have not done it Do it now send a message to RLC saying we want cameras on the balcony or we are cacelling our subscription It's the only way to make them listen We have to do it in huge numbers to make them listen to our demands do it now
  8. Every single 1 of us need to send a message to RLC telling them we want a cam on the balcony do it now it's our only chance of getting something done about it
  9. It's the same with me Slider someone said earlier it's because of http://www.anony.ws/ problem with the site
  10. They were d They were definitely watching themselves on the glass
  11. If they only knew how much they turned each other on with this little bit of nonsense
  12. I don't think any of them are big drinkers Imagine if Elisa was still here how much would she have drunk at those parties
  13. i'm not getting any pictures no thumbnails nothing and the site looks wierd It's never looked like that before
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