I think some here operate under the premise that they are here to perform for them. The only obligation I see if for them to live their lives.
certainement!! cela répond aussi à la question de savoir si les participantes connaissent et consultent cc!!!! ;) ;)
certainly !! this also answers the question of whether the participants know and consult CC !!!! ;);)
I have a feeling that access to the real thing or lack thereof has a lot to do with the fantasy driven members here. I for one agree with the people who enjoy the full range of activity of the couples in the homes. Carla for instance seems to be an accomplished cook and is interesting to watch. I would never think to disrespect any of the men or women on here. If any of the women are creating "scenarios" I cant help but wonder if it is not in response to the silly conspiracy theories they may read here. Maybe what they are doing off camera is containing their laughter.
In one form or another I have had a lot of experience over the years with conspiracy theorists and the one defining characteristic that I have observed is that they paint anyone who disagrees with them as stupid as they become rude when challenged.
I know that people like to see the overt sex, but I have to say that the petting and possible prelude to seduction was the sexiest thing I have seen on here so far.
I have visited a fair amount of strip clubs in my time and I can tell you that I have often seen a stripper talk about a "vibe" they get from certain people that creeps them out. I agree that these men and women have agreed to certain things and I would have to say that the majority of people I have seen post are a hoot and seem a good bit of healthy,horny. When it comes to this house and some people tracking every move and analyzing every nuance and facial expression, I have to believe that this is the "vibe" I mentioned earlier.
"S&M is a complex psychological process involving two or more humans, all of which have major emotional malfunctions."
While not my cup of tea, let me just say that I have substantial education that says ---- nonsense. Since this has drifted way off topic, this is all I will post on this.
Being aware of what they signed on to, they seem to make an effort as well. The massages yesterday were very nice. Thank you Nelly and Bogdan (or whatever your real names are)
...and RLC PAYING this idiot and giving him an awesome apartment to abuse a woman is good business? Wake up and smell what you are shoveling. What people witnessed was ILLEGAL. Get it?
Just some random thoughts. I would imagine that the contract is with he and Taya which raises some interesting questions. There is food out on the kitchen table for two days now and the place is already a mess. This new girl doesn't strike me as the domestic type. I wonder if there will be a party Friday night?
Did anyone catch what just happened? They had sex in the kitchen then she sucked him. All the while looking over their shoulders getting off on the fact that they might get caught by their visitors. Afterwards they exchanged knowing glances back in the living room. There is definitely hope for this couple.