I really wish this couple would turn up somewhere. I confess they were my favorite. They, more than the other couples seemed to genuinely enjoy each other's company. Happily, this is a situation I can relate to.
An aside while we can't hear them (well at least I can't) Does anyone else find it funny that she cleaned the living room like a champ but there are a weeks worth of dishes in the kitchen sink?
Yeah, I am going to back off here as I see it turning into a flame war and I don't do that. The extreme reaction to the disruption of the fantasy tells its own story. I won't be following this line any further. I have made my point.
My goodness, I don't hate you or anyone else here. You might notice if you read my original post that I did not mention any names. I will say that your strong response to having your narrative disrupted just adds credence to my assertion. It is not necessary to start a flame war over a dissenting opinion. I assume they are allowed here if they are presented respectfully. I reassert that some of the posts here probably make these woman feel uncomfortable. That is not trolling, that is an opinion.
Sorry you feel that way but I was just expressing an opinion that apparently touched a nerve. Someone had to say it so I stepped up. As someone who has had many healthy relationships with women over the course of my life I was being honest about how I believe they would react to some of the posts here.
I hate to cut across the grain here but I have to say that in the unlikely event that these girls read this board on anything like a regular basis, the only reaction they would have to the emotional expressions and tribute pictures is to be seriously creeped out. They suggest a personal connection that does not exist.
Most people on holiday are taking a holiday FROM something. You would be surprised how many in the US get up to a month off. Not 5-6 weeks, but not bad.
I was going to post this over at the "Old dudes" threads but they say you can only post weird stuff there and this is pretty mundane.
As much as anything else, I find the cultural difference in the various apartments interesting. I have noticed for instance that almost all of them drink Coca Cola and apparently the concept of diet soda is not at all popular in these areas.
Work, education, family, accomplishment. So many things life has to offer other than sleeping till the afternoon and spending your day doing nothing. I enjoy watching their exploits but I suspect my vision is compromised by having participated in the raising of two amazing women of great accomplishment.