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Posts posted by sat11

  1. Akira is talking more to Julia than Natasha. Yet, Natasha and him will probably fuck later anyway.

    knowing you have to have sex with that person makes it a bit awkward, when you fancy someone  you work hard to get to that point but if you already know it take the challenge out of it, all you think about is your performance latter.

  2. Natasha and Akira both with their noses buried in their phones... I don't think either of them have said anything to each other for a while now.

    he is still in love with his phone, even sex wound't take him away from it.

  3. Natasha is sleeping like a dead turtle.

    You know what I think about Christy? I think she grew up with a bunch of brothers and no sister. Maybe most of her friends are guys. She's fine with the guys, messa or Ivo for example, but she's always a bit distant to the women's, except Petra, but Petra barely talked to her yesterday.

    I think that's her problem. She simply don't know how to get close to them.

    i think all the girls are a competitors except petra she is a female of old ivo always moving to the new girl, so for  her that is ok but now she is relisting she is been replaced by new comer she will be even more moody unsociable, i don't think she is going to be happy at tver with a guy or with out and she will leave soon.like

    Unsichtbarer said they should have put netasha in tver and christy at voro .

    but i am not a fan of both this girls, beside christy have been by herself far too long and netasha is for me just a waist of room for over a week, she is too young and too attached to J&G.

  4. i think they are trying to hookup ivo with netasha, i know it seem a bit far fetched but  it starts petra becoming more friendly and play a pretend sex game with the girl then ivo become more friendly  then they start push away  sonya for a few days then she will be replaced by the new girl petra fancies, after all its all for petra she liked sonya  now she is less fancy her so she started doing it with christy but christy was not in to a lesbian thing so she is trying netasha now a week or two she will visit her then bring her around for ivo that way she will have easy access . but that is just a conjugation by experience.

  5. I hate to say that, but in my opinion, Natasha would fit into Tver much better than Christy.

    She's close with everyone there, even with Sonia.

    I wouldn't be surprised, when Petra would do it with her. Not for the cams, just for their own pleasure.

    that i agree 100%, also it will keep her away a  bit from julia and gavin from spending all evening in bed talking.

  6. Yeah, the Queen of Voronezh is moving in.

    All hail the Queen!!!

    she may be the queen in vero but once she moves in to tver she will be just another drone to do what she is told, tver already got a queen petra, you cant have two queens, other wise there will be a war and she will lose, sonya would not be happy she is there and ivo is a loyal subject to petra so she cant divide and conquer . she has a lot of adjustment to do , she likes every thing her way that is not going to work here may be that is why she is not edger to move in.

  7. Sat11, you are right about the tweet, just wishful thinking I guess. And the moving around, who knows how that works out. I am bad with expectations, sat11. Sometimes, I swear I am like a little kid who gets excited about something and then disappointed. Like I said to unsichtbarer, I wish I was a calmer person without so much passion or at least tempered. That's why I go up and down so much almost like I was schizoid. You guys calm me down, bring me back to earth.

    trust me in life it is better to be hope full than expecting disappointment, life will be boring, i used to be like that every time they change people this time will be better but it just gotten worse, so now i just wait and see at least a week before i say i like it or not.

  8. the tweet does not say he is coming tomorrow, it just says christy is moving to tver to wait for new friend.

    btw dont put to much hope on this latest moving around you will end up disappointed, its like watching the same thing in a different angle looks different but its the same, so sit back and enjoy it without any expectation

  9. the only way this apartment is going to change is by get all of them out and start again and again until they get it right other wise this will the normal  three hours of this


    two hours of this



  10. The more shows they do, the more they kissing each other. I like it :)

    i think petra is a lesbian she has sex with ivo or blowjob other guys  just for the show, she does it with the girls for pleasure, that's why she and ivo are not a couple, she has been with most of the girls here more than ivo.

  11. I predict the answer to the question who wants a new guy is at most petra

    i have never seen petra having sex wit any guy other than ivo, only blowjob to two or three guys. i think that's why she does her show with the girls so that she will not be pushed to have sex with any other guys

  12. And so did the new guy, but he's not there...

    i think may be since i cant see the paper i am guessing it could be some thing every one have to sign if they stay longer than a few hours like a waver for release of their image giving away the right of their image and some confidence agreement some thing like that rather than contract to stay in the apartment. it will be hard to enforce the tenancy agreement because of the camera some people cant handle it after a day or two and the tenants decide not to have sex in front of the camera they cant just kick them out if they sign a contract . with out a contract they can always terminate the residency of any one bring any one, i think sex is encourage by longer stay  or bonus for more view .

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