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Everything posted by sat11

  1. this is not fun its another creepy guy trying on a sleeping girl even she telling him no, she does not want to all she wants is to sleep.
  2. he cant get it up so she just dry humping him
  3. do they know that? all you are doing it stop your self from enjoying it, it is like yelling at a tv you cant change it but upset your self,
  4. all this frustration with joe, did some one told you they are going to do something that they did not do for the last few times they ware here, but joe is stopping them? i like to see the big girl get busy in fact i always hope she will join joe and edda one day and i know this is just a tease and i watch it as that , but making up scenarios in your head and getting upset when they dont happen as you thought only make you enjoy it less. as always this one is the first to hit the bed
  5. drama makes it interesting sometimes but for this two i like them when thy are happy and in love
  6. i know, i was been sarcastic sorry, ther is no party, yesterday was ana, today nyu the next one for misty,
  7. well we had this today why not extend this amazing party
  8. sat11


    i think inna lost a lot of wait in a year ok back to present day
  9. they can fix cam 8 its too low need only to be a bit higher, i noticed from yesterday when they are on the bed the side of the bed rises up and partially covers it
  10. misty was not the usual wild and party girl it was b/n ny and ana and he chose ana, but if he stays with her long they will be boring couple, he does not seam a partying kind
  11. does any one know why they are offline? i thought they have another week before the move never mind they are back again ok now misty is offline, i am getting confused here
  12. i dont think its a luck of viewers look the time line bar but the reason there is no post here is some people gave up posting and sharing here because this thread become for those who like Tim bashing and insulting the participant only and those who watch it dont want to participate in that kind of conversation.( at least that is why i stopped sharing not i stopped watching them i pop in time to time)
  13. sat11


    i wish she off that bed more often
  14. she only do that if she is too desperate or too drunk at the moment she is not, may be she finds him as creepy as i do any way the royal orgy was a royal...
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