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Everything posted by sat11

  1. ok, sorry jabbath and thank you sparkles
  2. i dont think he is the landlord, in carrie's apartment he was adjusting the cams angle even fixed out of focused kitchen cam, i think he is re presenter of nina & alex or he took over from them, in any case he is around more than them.
  3. pretty girl shame she sleeps a lot this is all so far 10 sec kissing
  4. they are just going with the house themes, the house looks one big sauna and now the bed room looks like a tanning booth.
  5. t dont think candy is smart, if she was she would have dumped him a week after the day they met, i am sure she knows every time he comes here its is for sex withe any girl he can get and i think she accepted that, but not in front of her. i think friday night she was mad not just because he was trying it with nyusha but when she had a fight with misty, nyusha and upset and tried to leave he did not even leave the couch or did nothing did not show any care towards her, that what pissed her off. for him she is his ticket to have sex with other guys GFs by offering her to the guys. i hope nyusha is not thinking having sex with the boss's friend once in a while and do nothing in the mean time will protect her or even thinking now she is with him as couple that will be a big mistake the only reason people (not me) like him here is he tries to get involved en every sex scene. the only one who was not invited last night was misty, maybe that;s why she was crying yesterday.
  6. that is right, this was much better party than yesterday,they spent the usual boring part of the party out side and gave as chance to concentrate on other apartment (VH was dead)instead of waiting some thing to happen in theirs. because of the announcement we would have spent most of the night nothing happening.
  7. this apt. getting better each passing day, they dont even wear panties in the shower, wow if they are not home all day and doing nothing when they are in at least take a proper naked shower
  8. sometimes i think it does that on a busy apt. too many people watching it i guess
  9. you mean the guy, i dont know the guy, i dont remember any of them so new as todays
  10. when i change cam within apt. it takes about 2 sec of black screen but from apt to other apt. up to 5 sec
  11. normal play is ok a bit slow to load when i change cam or apt. but time line it takes a lot longer and black screen with the circle keep flashes its been like that for few days now .
  12. i was flying by and these ware down there
  13. i just translated it and that was not what i wrote the translator wrote its own this is what i wrote welcome brother, dont let them scare you they are nice people when you get to know them, every body make a mistake we need a new blood to join us in the main board to enrich the diversity of the opinion pool.. i do not speak Turkish, but i know amy will ask if i speak Turkish , i am psychic . now i know why people misunderstand and argue, wow
  14. edda gone to bed, the others still in LR
  15. thank you golfer, i did not even know they ware home let alone they had sex, i would have missed it would not even checked the time line.
  16. i wont count on it the other girl sat the same spot last time and went to sleep early, the only thing interesting thing about her was joe kept going to the sofa to sleep till told of by edda, hope fully the guy will do something with the sexy ass girl
  17. may be alex taking them for a drink and a small talk about the businesses off cam before they all go back to the aprt. for the party
  18. apparently not they are doing it again today, may be they figured 12 hours was not enough time and this time they go for 16 to see if it get better with more time
  19. Hoşgeldin kardeşim, seni korkutmalarına izin verme, onları tanımış olursan güzel insanlardır. her beden bir dahaki sefere bir hata yaparsa yönetim kurulunu ve görüş havuzunu zenginleştirmek için ana kanala katılmalı ve kan almamız lazım. türk dili bilmiyorum, eğer Türkçe konuşsam sormayacak amy biliyorum, ama ben bir psişikim now every body get back to the main board
  20. i dont know i never pay attention to the guys come and go, they all look the same to me, i just find something distinguishable like tattoo, blond hair hairy ... something like that
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