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Everything posted by sat11

  1. all that activity lat week or so was just because the boss ( anna )was coming back, now all gone back to the old ways since the party. i dont think they have that kind of friends. now they know EM they could go and socialize with the people in that apt. but i dont think they will do that they are happy with being isolated.
  2. it cant be easy having a BF with 0 sex drive
  3. i guess the new servers are not working as good as they hoped, they ware suppose to fix this kind problem, there is not much to do just wait and hope they will load before the activities in the apt. starts
  4. mine does not load at all all cam here its been happenings lot lately at VH different apt. different times i am enjoying the circle going round and round
  5. the porn movie worked on the guest girl, to horny to care about the cam thanks guys for all the caps
  6. instead of waiting for him to get hard betty and rick should start and let him join when he is hard and ready, take the pressure of him
  7. i am beginning to wonder if these two are a still couple any more or are they staying together for the sake of the children ( us the viewers), they dont interact unless there are other people in there and lately i noticed they just have one routine schedule sex (identical sex every day) and they sleep on the same bad but separate just like nyusha & the other girl... i like them but i found my self kicking this apartment just for the guest rather than them. but still adda is sexy girl and joe is a nice guy
  8. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  9. sat11


    for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  10. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  11. sat11


    for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  12. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  13. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  14. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  15. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  16. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  17. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  18. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
  19. for all of you and loved ones have a happy wonderful
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