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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11


    i think the go in there to smoke but it is suspicious that they go in there together when inna is out or sleeping and sometimes they will be there 15-20 min., if they are doing any thing in there what we might be interested in then they wasted a good opportunity to attract views.
  2. uncle rock explaining things with out hiding any thing
  3. i dont know how it works but some one said they get paid by live views and most of the subscribers are from US, i think that is why most of the apartments drag the parties and shows to early morning to maximize live views.
  4. lisa and grant they are getting better and better and they even adjusted their timing for the US time like the others, maybe the return of anna, i dont know but i like the improvement. between lisa and chloe they brought the dead apartment into life, i hope they will keep it up.
  5. i dont know why people read VH twitter, they never seam to get it right and make the tenants look bad when it does not happen as it said on the twiter.
  6. she was coming here on and of for a while but this time it was announced by VH she was coming to stay, may be she made a deal with anna to stay as a monthly bases, ( that is what i think)
  7. that was a good one, thanks miscvoyeur . she dragged it as long as she can, 6-7 hours the guy has been here and 3-4 hours he had been trying hard, i gave up by 7 at least it was a great sex and from the pics it looks like they delivered.. no round 2 they have gone to bed now ,
  8. i think she is official guest resident (not a visitor)
  9. they are having fun their way
  10. finally serena got her own room, i guess the sofa is still wet
  11. if she has done it more than once, then at least she did not dislike it
  12. purple or blond, for lisa she would go for dark brown she is very adventures
  13. the guy must be for nyusha ,she had a shower and put on a nice red underwear
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