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Everything posted by sat11

  1. betty has a lot of energy, one girl party has been going on for a while now
  2. to make every one happy lisa brought us a Christmas light, she saw how sad we ware when EM took her lights
  3. EM is not going to move in without sid, that means they need their room and that means nyusha have to move to the sofa. i think the plan was EM shares room with nyusha and they forgot about Sid, they are a package deal, may be that is why they left yesterday . if they want her to be part of the project they should stop saying EM and start saying EM & SID and plan the accommodation accordingly.
  4. EM should have been here for formal introduction to the rest of the group, ( if she is coming back)
  5. why do they bring this guy here, last time he visited them they brought him here and he spent all his time sleeping on the sofa , he must be a very close friend
  6. Christmas has arrived at the pavel-alice house and she is perfect,even the camera is in Christmas mood( green)
  7. a girl might get use to this and forget boys
  8. nice position, some thing is missing behind her tho, (does not have to be james)
  9. https://voyeur-house.tv/realm5/cam12?timestamp=1513611338 18:43 she starts singing, she is very good, she is talented
  10. they should get invited every weekend, did you say Hungarian? we need more apt. in Hungary
  11. i dont think all people ignoring them it just every one concentrating anna's apt. not many people notice what was happening here, anna has a magic that makes you watch her even nothing is happening . she has been doing it to me since VV days . yes sparkies betty & rick they ware great most of the evening and it is a shame i did not watch them live thank you every one who posted caps
  12. i dont think the resident know the Jacuzzi cam is not accessible,how long is it going to be of the list, i know nothing much happened last 24h except and this
  13. i think its for every one, mine started Friday and it getting worst every 2 min the black screen with the circle pops up and changing cams takes longer now
  14. sat11


    where is the party if they are leaving tomorrow?
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