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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i know she is trying to defend him but that makes it worse, he chose sex over his sick GF. he should have staid with her or at least go there welcome them have a drink and back home to check on her with in an hour or so, any extra activity could have waited a few days till she is off her period and not sick, that feels a lack of real consideration, care and respect. well she is going to have a lot of this kind of lonely nights in the future, she made the bed she is going have to sleep in it. i tried to understand swinging life style when both party involve and it enhances their relationship, but on this site i see more and more its all about the guy he can have sex with any girl any time with the GF is there or not that is what i dont get where the relationship is, that makes the GF just another regular sex partner not a GF. if one have sex with out his/her partner is involved that is cheating simple. i think its a lack of self steam and afraid losing the title of BF/GF they accept and try excuse it. i know because i dont understand it or its unacceptable for me that does not make it wrong for them, sorry if i a fended any one this will be the last i say about it in this forum.
  2. somebody said they hope she would take her xmas light... o. and the animals, the BR is going to feel empty with out them
  3. yes they did, just a shame they moved the couch from behind the table cam 1 was for the couch now its useless unless you like watching drying clothes. cam 2 cam 1 the best view would have been
  4. even serena had enough of it, she is gone to bed. it is just to long for me after more than 7 hours nothing new no swapping just the usual
  5. thou shalt not judge thy neighbor for thy age,sex,religion and race for thou belong to one or the other for thou be judge for his own . trying to make it biblical, the point is we all have some thing others judge us with we dont like it and it is hypocritical to judge and insult some one for their looks age and sexuality as well as the rest. Do to others as you would have them do to you.
  6. i agree one thing henry should not have been there at all on the first day they move in may be in a day or two they invite him for a drink or something, second he took over the house while the man of the house act like a guest. i dont agree is people making up and stories and insult him just because he is old, no one here knows how old she is.
  7. the apt is on line but no forum for it so i cant post here, just in case mira does not want to know what happens somewhere
  8. with this 5 when you think something is starting BOOM every thing just stops, i think they try to make it last as long as they can keep people watching long, now all back again start all over again till next break
  9. edda is back now. serena have been crying i have no idea what is going on
  10. i dont know where eda is jo is in the BR with nina
  11. they said they are a couple i accept that, but i am trying hard to see them as such from what i see, when they are in the house they dont talk much one sit one side on the sofa the other sit on the floor or on the other sofa watching tv or on the phone i see no affection or no laughter the only time i saw them play and talk was when they did a planed game with the other girl they are more like room mate. they dont seem to make love to each other when they have sex more doing a schedule show specially viki she just kiss and finger i dont remember or missed it but never seen her go down on kate or may be this is her first lesbian relationship i dont know, but this is my impression from what i see, i know relationships come in different kind some passionate some quite but like i said this is my impression that i found it hard to see viky been a real lesbian or been a long time. still i like watching them regardless, i dont care weather they are lesbian or couple or not. i just wish they spend at home or a wake in the evening.
  12. they had a great day yesterday, thank you every one for the posts i would have missed the best thing they have done so far the two girls playing and no blanket sex getting better, they should do the same next time they have sex leave the light and put on a blindfold that way they would feel they are in the dark
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