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Everything posted by Yalche

  1. I still think you are not honest Yes his site is working Yes there are other sites where we find vids uploaded from other sources with watermark (is there a "pornlink" forumer for those sites ? ) But, here, pornlink can, in front of those who make the job, use Camcaps to make advertising for his site for free and all the time, and for his own benefit. At the minimum it is unfair. Other sites don't spoil camcaps and moreover with such arrogance with those who are the real sources and make the job for free. Copy/past with watermark and money and unfairness. I don't understand why you don't speak about that, as you can see, many on this forum don't like pornlink and his behaviour for money. At the contrary you seem to be very friendly with him. Think that those who make the job can stop. Do you think it will be a good thing for Camcaps !! No and even pornlink will loose. We know his site exists and that's it, like for other sites. He can put the link of his site in the good thread (other links, etc ...) He says the vids stay longer on his site (like others with watermark) but the real reason is simply the money. For those who ask for a reupload, they can see other sites in the good thread (other links) and choose one of them. Yes but pornlink wants to be must known than other sites and put many posts each and every day to beat them. It is this thing that is not normal. My propsition : (but I am "nothing" !!! ) Let those who want a reupload or old vids ask for a reupload (with success or not) or find themselves and choose other sites, with the help of a dedicated thread (other links). If his site is so good, they will use it. I hope my english is good enough to be understood. For me it is not a problem. I always choose what I want to get among all the solutions but I am very keen on truth and fairness. Yes in this world it sounds like utopia 😱😁
  2. nothing, nothing, nothing. A cam in the desert with sand, sand and sand and sometime a lizard should be more interesting because it's the nature. Real life without sex is only for a nun in a nunnery or a monk in a monastery 😇 The life in this apartment is not normal life even if it's not normal life in the others but not for the same reasons.😎 How much they cost to RLC for ... nothing ?!!!
  3. Toute cela est scénarisé. C'est du teasing. Jane s'est déjà fait Sasha chez lui et Dick n'est pas en reste. Arrêtez la romance avec ces sites. Attendez la suite : Flop ou Hop la Boum !!
  4. Elle n'est pas maigre mais sèche et musclée.💪🤸‍♂️ Si tu aimes le gras et la cellulite, il y en a aussi sur RLC. Certains en aiment une qui en prend tous les jours un peu plus. Chacun ses goûts. Je ne mange pas trop de gras, ce n'est pas bon pour ma ligne et Nelly en fait autant 😍😎
  5. Et quand tu vas en Espagne tu parles quelle langue avec tes amis .... français !!!😁
  6. Very cute guest. I love her ❤️❤️❤️
  7. it's your opinion let us prefer other girls. There are many of them surpassing Leora. It's my opinion and shared by others. Prefer who you want and let other have their opinion and choice like in democracy if this forum want to be a place for free opinion and choice !?
  8. Pourquoi !!! elle était moche avant !? Je ne trouve pas qu'elle a changé et heureusement, à l'inverse de Leora que je ne regarde même plus. chacun ses goûts. Les avis dans ce forum ne sont pas les statistiques de visionnage de chaque apart, ce que RLC a. Pour RLC ce qui compte c'est ceux qui regardent quoi, pas ce qui se dit par quelques uns dans ce forum surtout quand il est interdit de donner son avis (plutôt négatif) sur certaines considérées (à quel titre !? ) comme intouchables par des pseudo leaders du forum, comme à l'école. Sinon ils vont se plaindre auprès de la maîtresse 😓🤣
  9. Séance de kiné remboursée par la sécu Ca ne peut pas faire de mal à se faire du bien.
  10. Open the file with an unzip software and use the pwd 777 Add .zip as a suffix to the file name if you want The result will be a .avi file OK
  11. I totally agree with you. If many people have problem, even with adblockers and other things and know how to use a computer and Internet, it's because there is a problem with this site and the guy who posts on it. Pay by click or NOT !!!
  12. Do you want to make money with yous site !!!?? It seems so.
  13. I think you describe Leora, 2 or 3 years ago. Or maybe you didn't love her 3 years ago 🤣 Still pretty face and sexy but I'm no more interested by her body, now. I prefer some other girls really nice on RLC and I'm here juste by curiosity (Curiosity is also a robot on the planet March). Martian go Home 😜
  14. Seamless for only 2 or 3 days. And after that many ask for a Re-Up. Do what you want or are able to do, but those who can download 3 (or more) weeks after the Upload, without asking for a re-UP (what a seamless way !!! ), agree with the nath75 solution. And so, big applause for nath75. I like to keep it simple too, but if it is efficient, that is not only for 1 or 2 days. With both solutions you can use what you want and have to accept these 2 days availability if you don't want the so complicated ( !!!? ) other solution or web sites with these f*** ads. Let those who agree with a good solution to use this solution even if you don't use it because you have not a "technical brain", as you say.
  15. So, if you put a file (zipped with pwd, etc...) with the results of the Football World Cup, via an information other than a link, in RLC Forum, the server will also removes it ! But if you put the same file informations (even with a link) in another forum (e.g. sport forum), the file will stay for ever because no DMCA Request !? The server has to make investigation (new and hard work for them) to be sure RLC request is right. And then these servers either trust RLC or have to check what are really the files because of a DMCA Request. So try to put the Results of the World Cup and see what happens !!! And even better, put 100 files on the server with only one with a video from RLC. What will do this server !? There is something silly even if I understand what RLC do for their business.
  16. You don't understand what that means. The quote here is the text of nath75, and in your post you can also see YOUR direct link I don't Quote here, of course, because it's just what everybody should do ( NO DIRECT LINK). Don't quote with direct link. The solution needs you understand and do what is written. If you don't understand why and still put the direct link (http.....) underlined, you kill the solution and the link by a DMCA action becoming possible with YOUR LINK IN THE QUOTE. Don't wait for a reupload when you are not able to do a simple request as explained in the post by nath75. When you do that you kill the link and the solution for all the users !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Désolé nath75. Je ne suis pas si assidu. Je me rends compte que j'ai répondu dans le Post Eva alors que le fichier que j'ai testé et qui est bien un .EXE pris dans le Post Jane here <===== Mon commentaire reste le même. Ca fonctionne bien. Dans un premier temps je m'étais étonné que ce ne soit pas un .ZIP mais dans le post d'Anabel (wonderfull lady) (ICI, HERE)<===. Et je vois que tu avais dit vouloir tester avec WInrar. Pour Eva tu as mis le .RAR? ce qui pour moi est la même chose que Zip au cryptage dont tu parlais près. J'ai testé avec retard le .EXE sur le Mac et involontairement j'ai répondu dans le post de Eva en parlant du test que j'ai fait sur le fichier .EXE de Jane (Mais je préfère Eva ! ). Dans ton post c'est bien écrit 4815162342.EXE (autoextractable). Normal que tu t'étonnes du débat sur un .EXE chez Eva mais tu aurais dû percuter 😜 que tu as bien mis aussi un .EXE (autoextractable ou pas avant de passer à WInrar). Du coup pour moi il y avait "débat" (gentil) sur ce point. Mais je ne sais pas entre autoextractable en .EXE ou .RAR ce qui est le mieux contre le DMCA. J'apporte simplement l'info que ton .EXE fonctionne en standard y compris sur un Mac. Ton lien avec .rar (Anabel) ne fonctionnant plus je ne peux le tester, et dans ce cas la solution ne dure pas longtemps. Je laisse tout en français. Ca évitera de trop étendre le débat. Je préfère les "ébats".
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