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Everything posted by Buster

  1. lulz.... who in the hell voted for Sofa?
  2. I take it Alma didn't come back to Marcelo's place? Did she go back to her own place?
  3. Probably because she realizes that it would be a wasted effort since Ruslan won't notice it anyway.
  4. Maybe she'll spend the night there. And maybe she'll start inviting guys to spend the night over there with her.
  5. I'll tip hat to her if she can bust out some Stevie Ray Vaughan solos.
  6. No. She doesn't come around anymore. She was much better than this girl.
  7. Why is it that you happen to be the only one that sees him abusing her, yet you're always conveniently unable to take pictures to prove your claims? Are we supposed to just take your word? The only picture you've posted trying to prove the dog abuse DIDN'T PROVE A FUCKING THING. And yet you continue to make these claims, even in other threads, like you're obsessed. I personally don't believe anything you say.
  8. Her ass isn't fat. In fact, she doesn't have an ass at all.
  9. If it were truly random, I would be attacking other tenants in other threads instead of just Sofa. It's not random at all. And you're asking me about being judgmental? Why is it that it's a big deal to say certain things about Sofa, yet WAY more people on this board say far worse things about all the guys, including Efim who's only been here a week? Why not say something to the rest of them?
  10. No it's not ok to cheat but it does make for some good entertainment to watch.
  11. You must live in bubble, the kind that distorts reality. Out of all the girls here, Sofia (or Sofa as she's referred to) is the most unaffectionate, self-centered of the bunch. What exactly does she do for Roman other than sit on the couch like a lump?
  12. What I've really noticed was how they don't spend the majority of their day with their noses buried in their phones which I think is fucking awesome.
  13. That computer is in a really bad spot for them. Showing the screen to the camera like that is not a good idea.
  14. I hope so too. And if she gets mad he could tell her that if she wasn't such a prude he wouldn't have to jerk it.
  15. Efim jerked off 2-3 times the day after they moved in and still fucked the shit out of her later that same night. The reason why Roman jerks off is because Sofia is a complete bore and is totally uninterested in sex or in looking sexy.
  16. You misunderstand me, with "doing nothing" I didn't mean "not having sex". I'm pretty it would be physically impossible :P. But I understand why you should think that. The tendency around this board nowadays seems to be that they need to have sex a lot or they should leave. But I don't agree with that I was talking about doing anything besides sitting on the couch. maya and stephan have parties sometimes, aline and anton as well but less frequently. Diana and effin have friends over and do stuff. or they play (or attempt to play) on their instruments. Leora and paul don't do a lot all day but I like to see how they interact with one another. how they can switch within minutes from fighting to calmly lie and talk for hours. They;re just busy with "stuff" and that makes it interesting to watch. to see how people are with their hobbies and friends and especially with one another. But if the couples don't have people over, only sit behind the pc/tv and don't even talk to one another. whats left for us to see? +1
  17. If yellow sweatshirt's stomadh was just a TAD smaller her body would be damn near perfect.
  18. You might get a tit slip or a quick peek at some ass when they change but that's about it.
  19. Mark my words, Efim is gonna fuck around with another girl in this house.
  20. Can't really be considered a perv if it didn't bother her. She seemed to have no quarrels about it.
  21. Funny how he stood there and watched that girl change before he left. He SOOO wants to fuck somebody lolol.
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