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Everything posted by Buster

  1. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. Same thing happened with Isabel & Marcelo. They fucked non-stop for a good while when they first moved in. Now it's dull as shit. It was only a matter of time before the novelty of their daily sex wore off. Still, it's nice to see a couple that are genuinely into each other.
  3. Thanks for that riveting intel, but I'm afraid you're about 30+ hours late with the delivery.
  4. You've just described the typical relationship heterosexual relationship.
  5. CC isn't affiliated with RLC. Assuming they would just know based on your theory is still speculative.
  6. The imagination is strong with this one.
  7. I did, just like I noticed this unnecessary new thread.
  8. So what would you have him do? Open the door so she could choke him and beat on him again?
  9. Don't know if this is a problem on my end but every time I try to download something from this site, it cuts off after 10 megs.
  10. Ah I get it; when she turns him down and brushes him off she's just exercising her right to change her mind and not be intimate if she doesn't want, but if he doesn't show interest or doesn't read her signs then "he doesn't get it!" as you put it right? Seems very hypocritical to me. You come off as someone that lets women totally walk all over you in relationships.
  11. 1. Upload the video to a file sharing site. 2. Copy and paste the link here.
  12. So I guess we should just go ahead and ignore all the times she would brush his hands off her when he was frisky or times when she would literally move to the other side of the couch? And her rubbing his back doesn't over shadow the fact that 1) she's not even facing him and would rather watch tv than truly be affectionate, and 2) it looks like he's trying to go sleep. If in fact she is trying to get sex out of him, which she isn't, she's doing an extremely piss-poor job of it.
  13. Any bets on if the new couple will fuck tonight?
  14. She's more than just an aggressor, she's abusive.
  15. He should have stomped her ass into the ground. This crazy bitch has issues and either needs professional help or her ass whooped.
  16. I've never seen her try to initiate sex and she damn sure isn't trying right now.
  17. Then why do you keep watching them and why do you keep posting here. If you really hate him just go on about your business.
  18. I didn't try to deny that he was drunk. But how can you call him a loser and a drunk, which implies he drinks all the time?
  19. A rather presumptuous statement to make about someone you've only seen one time....
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