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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Get off your goddamn soapbox. My comment wasn't geared towards you or even your picture. It was just a general opinion.
  2. Interesting; don't think I've ever seen Alina take a facial before.
  3. I can't believe hollywoodmogul didn't get enough praise and thanks for his breakdown and explanations. Good job on that post man.
  4. *yawn* wake me when she fucks her new boyfriend or fuck buddy at M/I's place. Seeing her there not getting fucked does nothing for me.
  5. Agreed. She also talks a lot. I would hate to fuck this girl more than once.
  6. Hey Marcus, stop making new threads every time you want to say something.
  7. I get about 25% of this and then I get "download failed - server error" State your problem here: http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/new-file-sharing-site/
  8. I successfully registered with a free account but downloads still cut off after 10-11 megs.
  9. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  10. Efim's probably watching them saying "I would totally fuck this girl better than this guy."
  11. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  12. They obviously want to fool around but it seems like they're both camera shy so it's gonna take awhile for them to warm up.
  13. Are you serious? No that's not Diana. You don't know what she looks like by now?
  14. Edit: well they were definitely getting frisky so maybe they'll do some stuff. That guy went straight for her pussy the second Efim closed the door.
  15. I'm surprised Efim hasn't pushed for a threesome yet. Or maybe he'll just try to jack it to them having sex... if they have sex.
  16. There's no way in hell I'm messing with that rabbit.
  17. This is Isabel's younger sister. She has been in the apartment on several other occasions . !st time I have seen her visit with a boyfriend though, Not only has he been there before but the last time they were there they had sex in the guest bedroom. It was undercover though.
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