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Everything posted by Buster

  1. The one efim will sacrifice tonight to try and get the gods to let him have a 3way :P hahahaha!!! Efim definitely wanted to do something with that girl in the living room.
  2. I'm pretty sure they'll spend the night. Only question is how and where will they sleep. I seriously doubt that guy is getting any from either of those girls. Did anybody else catch one the girls stripping in the living room?
  3. This dude Efim gave his friend a knife to play with...what the serious fuck?
  4. I say fuck relationships in general, especially with girls like that. Pussy is great and all that but dealing with a girls nonsense isn't worth it imo.
  5. Listening to them butcher some of my favorite songs right now hurts my soul. First Coldplay now Green Day.
  6. she's jealous :D its normal Edit: just saw her hit him twice. I officially can't stand this bitch now.
  7. Jesus Christ, is she crying? Weren't they all just having fun like 7 minutes ago?? This girl might be worst than Leora.
  8. I don't know what is but that girl in the yellow sweatshirt comes off as major cunt.
  9. She was just at Isabel/Marcelo's place today. And yesterday I believe.
  10. Terrific. Just when things were getting back to normal...
  11. A very unhealthy one, which is why I don't watch them.
  12. Ok. Let me clear some things up for those that are misguided. When corboblanc first posted the personal pics, yes I was the first person to tell him to take them down... because I was more worried about THIS site, camcaps, then anything else. Check the post if you don't believe me. Maybe you people either forgot or didn't realize or whatever, but another site RLCF was shut down. Why wouldn't anyone think that the same thing couldn't happen to CC? Once their apartment was taken off, yes I did assume it was because those people were posting personal pictures of them and I have no problems admitting that I may have been brash. So if the two things were not related, then I apologize for placing blame on you. I refuse however to apologize for calling you assholes for doing it. That's still a scummy thing to do, especially when someone's phone number was involved. Disagree with me about this all you want. Because if someone was to do that to any of you, I guarantee that nobody would just go "oh, well I guess I deserve it." Yes I was concerned about the couple but I was concerned with RLC more. So for those saying dumb shit like "he only cares because they have sex... if it happened to any other couple he wouldn't care" need to get a goddamn clue. If this type of shit happened more often (people stalking the couples and posting their personal shit on other sites) to ANY couple and more couples decide not to want to participate, then RLC shuts down. That's the way I see it. Try to be as cool as you want, but go ahead and pretend that you don't enjoy RLC and that you don't enjoy watching the couples, because if you didn't on some level you wouldn't be a member of CC. The whole point of this forum is to talk about the couples. As for making fun of me personally, I couldn't give less of a shit. I'm not the one that thinks RLC is a porn site, I'm not the one that thinks these couples are paid to have sex for our enjoyment and I'm not even the one on here asking for pics and vids every 5 fucking minutes, hell I don't even ask for that shit at all, not anymore anyway and I haven't for a long time. Go ahead and check my posts if you don't believe me. In fact, I will go on record and say PEOPLE SHOULD STOP POSTING PICTURES AND VIDEOS ALTOGETHER. It goes back to RLCF, if that site got shut down then it could happen to this one. To reiterate, if the reasons why they were taken off had nothing to do with the personal shit being posted, then I apologize. I still hold my opinion that those that were involved were assholes.
  13. Yes... because I was the only person here that was concerned...
  14. Glad they're back, but now there's probably going to be another shit storm on CC... the excitement never ends I guess.
  15. Marcelo should bring over a friend to hook up with Alma.
  16. You couldn't be more wrong. That is no NOT the point of RLC.
  17. Except someone posting your pics on other sites without your permission IS against the law.
  18. Right on. Like I have said before, I hope they find out who this KASTRONI person and bring some sort of legal action against him.
  19. Exactly. I don't know why that's so fucking hard for people to do.
  20. Alrighty... According to my time zone, you created this thread at 10:36 am. Now: 1. The user "xvoyeurx" created the thread titled offline at 6:46 am, roughly 4 hours before your post. 2. The the "tanya identified" thread, the first post that acknowledged them gone was at 6:45 am, 4 hours before your post and there were approximately 25 posts after that discussing that topic. 3. The user 'themightyrasin' created the thread titled And Goodbye to Diana and Efim... at 6:49, another 4 hours before your post and there were approximately 12 posts after that discussing that topic. 4. The user 'helicopuma' created the thread diana et efim disparus at 8:56 am, an hour and a half before your post. So before your limited brain decides to name call, please make sure you know what you're talking about.
  21. What exactly were they doing other than having sex? Isabel/Marcel had just as much sex when they first got in front of the cams and they were even staying at Alma's place before hand. When they moved into their apartment, they had so much sex it was insane. Just because some people aren't camera shy doesn't really mean anything. They were probably just totally inhibited people. That girl in the red dress is a good example. Just because she had sex the night of the party doesn't mean she had any prior experience to being in front of a camera.
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