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Everything posted by Buster

  1. If she was a cuckold she would have to watch Roman with another woman.
  2. Don't bother snaky. Madwolf gets off making shit up and posting it.
  3. What a loving picture tonight; Roman and Sofa sleeping very happily together, probably basking in all the affections they have for another. Why I'd bet they're the only people in each others lives... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
  4. I would like to give Roman a little credit that he's not stupid enough to cheat on her in a house full of cameras (then again Efim might be). But even if he did cheat, can anyone be surprised? They've been here over a month and have only had sex maybe 3-4 times... maybe. Maybe it's mutual agreement between the two, maybe it isn't. Maybe Sofa is getting dicked down by someone else. Who knows? As far as this girl being a hooker, has anyone seen money being exchanged? Can anyone remember if this was the same girl they had over a few weeks ago for dinner? And for those that saw it, did he use a condom? Because if he didn't use one, it's pretty safe to assume that she wasn't a hooker.
  5. Well this will certainly add some traffic to their apartment if this type of behavior continues.
  6. ar2d2, you're new here. Reading my posts I tend to be very direct with my responses, regarding either CC members or those in the apts, and I speak with a LOT of sarcasm. MOST of the times it's not with the intentions of being disrespectful, except for this one fool in the Leora thread who I'm about to tear apart in a second. Having said that, to answer your initial question "Why so many haters?" the short answer is most of the people here think with their little heads. The long answer is something I theorized on in another post. A lot of the members here (for the purposes of civilized discussion I won't name names) get wrapped up in their infatuation with one or more of the females, mix it in with their rigid ideals for what the perfect relationship should be, and then proceed to unnecessarily bash the men because they feel like they're not treating their girlfriends the way they're "supposed" to be treated. Sex has a lot to do with it too; when someone wants to jerk off but the boyfriend happens to not be interested then he somehow becomes gay. I can't even count the amount of times these guys have been called gay/fag/etc just because they're interested in something else at the time. There are very few people on this board that understand how to criticize the relationship objectively. For example, guys have been criticized for spending time on their cell phones but nothing is said when girls spend WAY more time on them. Guys have been called all kinds of names for playing video games, despite the fact that nothing is said when Alma, Maya or Isabel play them. The men on this board want to believe that just because these girls are hot and walk around naked (ignoring the fact that she's probably only walking around naked because she's on camera) that they're perfect, despite the fact that hardly anyone here can understand what the hell these people say to each other. Leora has a rabid fan base because everyone thinks she's hot. Hardly any one cares that she act's like a 12 year old with her mood swings or the fact that she's supposedly said some really cruel things to Paul. Paul isn't perfect, but he's a nice guy. Of course you would never know that because people here bash the unholy shit out of him just because he doesn't last long in bed, again going back to what I said before about wanting to jerk off to these girls. There is a LOT of hypocrisy on this board in that regards and in my opinion is the one thing that really pisses me off. Paul get's judged because he doesn't work. Neither Isabel nor Maya work and not a single thing is said. If I really wanted to I could point out a TON of incidences like that with ALL the couples but I don't really have that kind of time. I think I've made my point clear. My signature is response to those people that fit into that category.
  7. I hope you're not really expecting a logically sound and rationale answer because you're not getting one from the majority of these people, except for the squirrel and maybe one or two others.
  8. Is there any special reason why they're sleeping on the couch?
  9. A Nora worshipper? If you can find a SINGLE post proving that I'll pay for your RLC subscription. Go ahead.... I'll wait... For the record, I would also love to see Alma getting fucked at Isa's place. I've even mentioned that in Isa's board.
  10. Unless this meant to be sarcasm, there are so many things wrong with this post I don't even know where to start.
  11. Lol... proof... Let me introduce you to CC; the land where the men here make up any excuse to shit talk and hate on the guys in the apartments because they delude themselves into thinking that they should be the ones dating the women, all while basking in their own ridiculous fantasies that "if maybe the women see me standing up for her, she'll notice me and magically choose me over her boyfriend." And btw rodent, nobody else here has seen this proof either.
  12. Correction: Roman has no problems with the cameras.
  13. If there is a record, I'm sure it's been set by Kiko/Nora.
  14. Exactly. She comes off as an extremely superficial person.
  15. I've never seen him play video games...
  16. They look rather normal right now. Both at the comp and he's laughing.
  17. If you're dealing solely on free cams, then you can't forget about Paul/Leora and Anton/Alina. Both those couples fuck in the living room quite frequently, especially Anton/Alina. The problem isn't with the free cams, it's with the actual couples. If you're judging them solely on sex then, in my opinion, then the sex between all those couples have just gotten stale. Paul/Leora have always had bad sex, Anton/Alina have decent sex but it's SOOO repetitive (and this couple used to be the only couple I cared about). Stepan is a total pussy when it comes to fucking Maya. And Marcelo/Isabel seem to be in their own separate world whenever they fuck each other which makes their sex uninteresting to watch. That leaves the three Russian couples: Not only is the sex between Ruslan/Katya and Roman/Sofia so few and far between but they've never even fucked in the living room. The new couple Efim/Diana are the only couple so far that provides any sort of excitement now but of course that's primarily because they're new. Give them a month and they'll be just like all the other couples here. If they continue to have parties, their interest level may extend a little longer. With Stefan/Alma leaving, RLC should be bringing in a new couple so we can see what they'll bring to the table. Other than that, there are some of us that actually don't just watch the couples for sex. I know that's a crazy concept for most people to grasp though.
  18. I've never paid, but not because I just want to leech. I'd have no problem paying if I could only pay for the couples I want to see. Paying $30+ for (now) 7 couples when I'm only interested in about 3 of them is just dumb. I've said this before in the past, RLC needs to upgrade their payment plans.
  19. Sex between M/I comes off as very routine. Even when they were back at S/A's place. She shows little to no emotions and he looks like he couldn't care less. Their sex is very uninteresting.
  20. Why are you reposting other peoples pictures?
  21. It would be for me if it were in the same place ALL the time.
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