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Everything posted by Buster

  1. What exactly is your point? That nobody can say anything bad about them because you think they're the best? I will share my opinions about them as I would every other couple. I don't care how much sex they have.
  2. It says a lot when Ruslan/Katya have more sex than they do.
  3. This constant sex in the shower is getting old and annoying.
  4. If that's true then she should invite him to Marcelo/Isabel's place and prove it.
  5. Not only is this not new but I'm not trusting a link made by someone with only one post. Go fuck yourself whoever you are.
  6. How is Alma leaving RLC's fault? Their relationship was over and she moved out. Case closed.
  7. Blame Leora. All she has to do is talk to him and show him what to do to be a better lover. Instead she says nothing. And because she says nothing, it either means she really is satisfied or she doesn't care. And if it really was a big deal, she would have left him. In any case there's no reason to feel sorry for her and she's the only one to blame for her dissatisfaction. People here just make more of a big deal about it. Do you think that maybe she actually DOES love him?
  8. Exactly. I don't get why so many people hate on games. Of course, as usual it's a problem when the guys do it but nobody has shit to say when Alma, Isabel or Maya do it.
  9. My guess is unhealthy obsession for Katya.
  10. Nope. I've just been posting a lot lately and pissing people off. I've always had the second most -'s behind you.
  11. This might be the first time both I've seen hanging out in the living room since they moved in.
  12. They're in the bathroom. It's so odd that they have the majority of their sex there where it's so awkward instead of a bed or a couch.
  13. Stop being so thirsty for sex. They just got in from a long night out. Did you really think they were gonna go at it the second they came home?
  14. I think you done started some shit.
  15. If it is indeed her birthday, maybe there'll be a party of some sort. And we all know their social gatherings so far have all been eventful to say the least.
  16. This thread can either go really good or really bad, but pick any member, or multiple members on CC and give your opinions on them, remaining AS OBJECTIVE AS POSSIBLE. REFRAIN FROM NEEDLESS INSULTS.
  17. si usted ve esos puntos es que es usuario de pago ¿que problema tiene que se vean puntos? y si no es usuario de pago ¿ que problema tiene si no lo pueden banear la cuenta ? It's funny that you complain that Efim/Diana have sex like they're in a peep show, yet the type of sex you want to see is exactly the type of sex they would do at a peep show. Alma used to purposefully spread her legs to the camera. You don't think THAT was more similar to a peep show?
  18. Oh Lord, not another one these types again.
  19. I'm pretty sure you'll still occasionally see her at Marcelo/Isa's place.
  20. Welcome to CC; home of the hypocritical man bashing and woman obsessing.
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