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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Except NO ONE is judging you. No one cares about who you are as a person. We only care about how you spam threads with nonsense.
  2. Nah I'm chilled. The day I become like charles and start spamming various threads with nonsense is the day I become un-chilled.
  3. Jesus Christ. Well if she is a woman I'd hate to live with one like that.
  4. Exactly. And in more than one thread. You make some of the dumbest posts here. Time and time again people have told you about your ridiculous rambling. Stop fucking spamming threads with your nonsense.
  5. The more I see this guest in this apt NOT fucking someone, the more annoyed I get.
  6. Even the threads we have that are specifically designed to get derailed, sometimes get derailed to a place where nobody would have expected. Don't fight it. Just lie back and let it happen.
  7. Yeah, she figured she hadn't cried, yelled and stormed out the door in a few weeks so she wanted to fulfill her monthly quota.
  8. I think she's more into girls than guys.
  9. Sometimes I forget how the role age plays, and from what I've gathered she does come off as really young. I don't really know much of Valera to estimate his age but I would assume he's pretty young too. I just really hope this couple doesn't turn into another Alma/Stefan.
  10. Video games have technically been around since the 70's. The only reason video game consoles are as popular as they are nowadays is because they do so much more other shit than just play video games, ie: netflix, skype, internet, etc... Btw, I absolute detest this current generation. They've all become so spoiled and dependent on technology, hardly any of them know how to think or do any thing for themselves. My cousin's girlfriend's daughter lost her phone a few months ago and she literally had a breakdown right in front of us and I wanted to laugh right in her pathetic stupid fucking face while pointing at her at the same time.
  11. Buster

    Juke Box

    Before I get off this thread, I'm attempting to learn this song on piano.
  12. Buster

    Juke Box

    If I posted all the songs I like by Pink Floyd, my fingers would melt. Depending on how much traction this thread gets, I can't wait to start posting some of my more modern song choices. That's going to be interesting.
  13. Are you that bored that have to try to pick fights with people on CC for some kind of amusement? Do yourself a favor and calm your ass down.
  14. Even though she can't post here, I'm fairly sure she still reads the boards.
  15. Buster

    Juke Box

    My favorite song by Rush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot5XA_uTXmY
  16. I personally don't believe in monogamy. I can't ever see myself wanting to fuck just one woman for the rest of my life. In this semester alone they're about 15 girls I want to fuck, the majority of them are just in one class, and this is just my first semester in this school. To answer the question, no I have never cheated but I haven't been in a lot of monogamous relationships. I think if you enter into those types of relationships you should honor them. I know I'll never be able to do it nor would I ever want to.
  17. Well I until I know facts, I'm not going to hate on someone just because someone says I should.
  18. Unless we know the whole situation, it's unfair to call him names.
  19. So am I the only one that wants to see Stefan fuck this other chick?
  20. The people in Japan also really love our heavy metal bands. Out of the top 40 singles currently, 8 artists are black and half of those songs would be labeled as the black crap. Japan leads in academic scoring because they go to school longer and have fewer vacations.
  21. I think he's trying to build a way-back machine....
  22. Let's hope some of that weight migrates itself towards her ass.
  23. Like the ones that say you need a license, or can't use your mobile phone in the car? :P We have the no cell phone in the car while driving rule here in NY too.
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