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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Fuck the therapy. Isabel can go fuck herself in the ear with a screwdriver.
  2. You seriously started a thread to post a picture of her sleeping when not only is there an already established picture thread, but for one of the most asinine topics you can think of?
  3. First you say "they would have to live like normal people", and then you say "not just 2 statues playing on their phones, eating..." What exactly do you think normal people do? Also, EVERY apartment has one room with no camera or at the least, one area with no camera.
  4. In 50 years, I'm almost certain they won't give a shit by then. Besides who the hell looks good in their 60's/70's?
  5. Well I caught some of it and I gotta say for a couple that usually fucks like two lifeless fish , I think this was the most heavy duty pounding I've seen from him and movement I've seen from her. Doesn't look like they're finished as of writing this, so we'll see if their spurt of energy was just a fluke or if they've actually learned how to sex like people that know what they're doing. Edit: scratch that, they were done.
  6. Someone should thank me for showing restraint on making a really smart-ass comment. DaMutt hasn't really pissed me off yet, so I figured I'd let him slide.
  7. No, what's funny is how you posted this in the pictures thread.
  8. haha, damn. I'd argue only one of them is ugly, and tbh, it's not that I even find her ugly. She just has an ugly hairstyle and dresses like a man. Now the guests are a completely different story. The dude/chick with the buzz cut was reason enough not to watch their apartment at all while they were there.
  9. Buster

    New emoticon

    Who can we ask to get some kind of facepalm emoticon? Because I could surely use it for over 90% of the posts on CC.
  10. Cute looking girl, but looks like the poor girl has no tits whatsoever. As long as she's not another Jannet, I couldn't care less though.
  11. Why do people always think someone is moving out just because they have an argument? With the kind of track record of NEVER being right with this prediction, you would think at this point that people would stop saying this already.
  12. It's possible. I know the Spanish switch the j's with another letter. Maybe it's the h's and I'm just getting my shit mixed up.
  13. I understand that boards need newbies to add to the overall conversation, but if you're really gonna get butthurt because someone told you to search the board before creating a thread that already exists, something that you SHOULD be doing, then you really need to get over yourself.
  14. Oh goodie, yet another thread of someone asking for the same exact thing. This should be thread #3 if I'm not mistaken. But why stop there? Somebody create another thread asking for this video and make it #4.
  15. I don't think he was talking about you specifically. He was talking about the general chat practices of this forum.
  16. This shit doesn't even make any sense. Why exactly would I think he was a girl, especially when him and I both started here around the same time and have both been here a hell of a lot longer than you. Also, with as many pussy thirsty people are on this board, you'd have a better attempt at humor if you made this joke about someone else.
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