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Everything posted by Buster

  1. As bad as they might sound right now, I always appreciate watching musicians practicing.
  2. I wouldn't go as far as to say they have executive decisions. If anything, I think RLC realized how much people obsessed over Nora and begged them to come back. Like I said, it's all speculation at this point.
  3. ...and so starts the barrage of "PM me please" posts...
  4. The thought of them doing something like this crossed my mind when Kiko first started coming in. It didn't quite make sense for a couple, married or otherwise, to be living together at first and then all of a sudden not be living together, not unless all the girls were all involved in some work related project that had nothing to do with RLC. But then the first girl moved out and she was replaced, and then the second girl moved out. At first we started off with 4 girls, then 3 girls, and on top of that it seems like none of them with the exception of maybe Nora is bound by any obligation to stay there, so it's POSSIBLE that at some point in the future the other two girls could leave and turn this into another Nora/Kiko apartment. Of course this is all speculation. If this really was RLC's intention's from the start then I would 100% agree that this would be a scummy move on their part, especially since they put this as a premium apartment. But the argument that Kiko just shouldn't be there because his name isn't on the list is just ridiculous, just because you don't want to see any guys there. If anyone really expected not to see ANY guys there staying over or even for an extended period of time, then you were sadly deluding yourselves.
  5. How exactly is it hurting you or anyone else if he has in fact moved in? Especially seeing as how they've lived together before in the past.
  6. Dude is jacking off in the living room next to his sleeping girlfriend/friend if any one cares. How/why a guy a can masturbate without any lotion is beyond me.
  7. Not before they bring in the clowns, circus animals and power tools.
  8. Thank you sir. And I do have a considerable amount of respect for you as well.
  9. Possibly, but don't know why they would seeing as how RLC owns the apartment.
  10. 1 block 9 rotated They've had that broken cam now for about 2-3 days but they seriously have rotated cams? And RLC is just going to let that shit slide?
  11. Oh really? i didnt knew that. and why Marta and David is fully closed? Because RLC is stupid.
  12. She probably ran out of milk for her cereal.
  13. Technically no, although being in love with someone you only know from behind a computer monitor is questionable. No one is asking you to die. No one is asking you to leave. No one is asking you to stop posting. Just stop making pointless threads for every random thought that pops in your head. This really isn't a big deal. Please stop making it so.
  14. Wow, you are so right. I mean, I wish I could be as right as you.
  15. Thank you, kzsjzkdjs. At least someone gets it, although I wouldn't go as far as to claim 'lauralavie' posts shit just yet, but he/she is heading there if he/she continues to start new threads for no reason. I find it funny that the people here on CC (myself included) have been jumping on am400 for being a dickhead because he starts some of, if not THE most useless and asinine threads here, yet I'm the one being insulted when I call out the fact that 'lauralavie' is starting to do the same thing. Just absolutely hilarious. I've said this plenty of times in the past, I don't care about being insulted, but please let there be some kind of intelligent merit behind them. 'lauralavie', I see your a newbie member here so let me give you some advice. There's nothing wrong with posting random thoughts about whoever you want. Just don't start a new thread every time you want to do so, unless you absolutely feel it can warrant some kind of discussion. Please keep all random thoughts to one thread.
  16. Really the only shit which is not necessary and never has been is your presence in CC... You are so right. My presence here isn't necessary at all.
  17. Are you going to start a new thread every time you have some random thought about Kira? Because that shit really isn't necessary.
  18. ...you are one angry lady or dude Dude.. and I'm only angry at the majority of nonsense that gets posted here.
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