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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Are we still playing the drinking game where we take a shot every time someone makes the "this is the end of the [insert couple name] relationship"? Or have people died from alcohol poisoning from all these types of posts made in the Paul/Leora, Marcel/Isabel, Ruslan/Katya, Efim/Diana, etc,...
  2. Very well thought out and explained, except it is YOU that don't know why I made my statement. And if you're going respond to what I said, at least get it right. I didn't outright make a claim that she has mental problems. I said she MIGHT have them... and the reason why I said this is because she tries to punch herself in the head and tries to hurt herself and has done so multiple times, something someone who claims to have been watching from the beginning should have known.
  3. At this point I'm compelled to believe that either Diana has some sort of mental problems or she's just a spoiled little immature brat. If she in fact have some sort of mental disorder, then I give Efim all the props in the world for being able to stick it out with her. If she's normal and just throws tantrums like some snotty little child, then Efim is a fucking idiot for putting up with her nonsense.
  4. Diana's probably mad because they don't have any more ice cream.
  5. I'm actually disappointed at the CC members. They've all been on the couch for more than 3 minutes. I was expecting at least 2-3 different posts expecting some kind of lesbian orgy.
  6. This topic is intended for going to the upstairs! Why don't you start a new topic for return back to the downstairs >:( HAHAHA!!!
  7. For the record, I'd like to address my mistake in that I meant to make that post in the "I want this video please?" thread. Now to address this question: Making a mistake is one thing, especially if someone hasn't already seen the video or saw when it happened. But to continue thinking it was Diana when they've already been corrected and even seen the picture of the girl in question is just buffoonery. I don't take people's feelings into consideration when I make my posts because other peoples feelings are of very little consequence to me.
  8. Whoever thinks that the girl that had sex in the bathtub the first night they moved in is Diana is a fucking fool. This girl... (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  9. or ozi, but since I'm here... What did you hope to accomplish by starting this thread?
  10. If you put on headphones, you could've even heard noises in the living room. Alina/Anton always have sex when they have guests over. And I mean ALWAYS. There was a video of them having sex in the kitchen when the same fat girl was spending the night and they've had sex in the shower a few times with her there as well. It was even like this when they lived in their old apartment and Alina's sister used to spend the night. Personally, I think Alina gets off on the idea of having sex with guests there as she's almost always the one who initiates sex with her friends spending the night.
  11. Diana's ass has always been better than Leora's. Leora isn't even in the top 5 for best asses in RLC.
  12. Why am I not surprised that you can't seem to go a few days without mentioning my name. Are you in love with me or something?
  13. That dude/chick with the glasses is so ugly I wouldn't even want to hear him/her having sex.
  14. It's them. There were no prior tenants for this apartment.
  15. I guess that would mean the other half are blind thickheaded fools that don't know how to take more than half a second to see if there's a similar thread already before starting a new one... ESPECIALLY since there are 4 other goddamn threads about the same topic.
  16. Who from this board are you expecting to help you with this?
  17. I'm glad someone had the sense to bring up the fact that she could be a family member. Doesn't have to be his sister tho. She could be a cousin or even his niece. On the contrary, I think he is that stupid to cheat on cam. I just don't think he's going to cheat on Diana with this new guest. Tell me a young guy that isn't driven by his dick. I mean shit, most of the people on this board are driven by their dicks and they're supposed to be older.
  18. Wait a second. This is called 'leora masturbate now?'? I could have sworn this was the 'leora masturbate now' thread. Oh well, at least I didn't confuse this with the 'leora masturbation again' thread or the 'leora's masturbation!!!' thread. Otherwise I would have REALLY felt stupid. It's a good thing nobody says anything when people start new threads that are exactly like other threads.
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