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Everything posted by Buster

  1. So let me see if I get this; boss gets banned and then perser mysteriously comes back after a 7 month hiatus and makes posts EXACTLY like boss?? Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's no coincidence there.
  2. Dude, there are dozens of programs out there for capping screen shots. Hell, you could even go the ancient route and use the print screen method. That's what I use to do here. It's a slow method but it's still an efficient one.
  3. There is no affiliation between CC and RLC, but yes the higher ups at RLC do read these forums and it isn't uncommon for the couples to find out about this site. A few of the women in the apt used to post here but RLC highly frowns on that.
  4. They're referring to queen of tablet/phone along with Lilu :o Exactly hahaha These people don't even get that they're only calling her queen because she's new. Give her about two weeks of boring phone and tablet nonsense like Lilu used to do, and they'll be starting a new thread complaining about how boring she is and how RLC she should have her removed and blah blah blah...
  5. She hasn't been on RLC for more than a month and you people are already calling her queen? Give me a fucking break...
  6. I'll add my own... maybe Nira and Nina are really the same person with split personalities manifested into two people.
  7. C'mon on man. How hard is it to post an issue about a couple in the appropriate thread?
  8. The only other person that's just as nonsensical as am400 on CC is movado; oh wait... hahahahaha!!!
  9. ...and when he wants some action what does she do? Totally fucking ignore him, that's what. When will these newbies ever learn? He's lived with her for a log time. He knows her and its the same person and the same body and the same narcissitic attitude he's seen thousands of times before. He has to feel like it just like she does. I'm getting sick of this forum - it seems like the juvenile wankers have taken over the asylum. For god's sake all of you - take your hands off your cocks for five minutes and GROW UP Fucking bravo, my friend! BRAVO!!!!
  10. If there were videos to be posted, they would have been posted already.
  11. I seriously doubt they'd move into an apartment that's smaller and shittier than the one they have now.
  12. You're the one who put your thoughts on a public forum and hence, agree to have them subjected to any and all forms of disagreement and/or flammatory comments. Not that I have anything positive or negative to say about asexual people, what is it about Lilu that makes you wonder she's asexual? If you're going to make that kind of statement, the very least you could do is provide some kind of basis for it.
  13. Why does Paul automatically have to stop what he's doing just because Leora might be horny? If she really is horny, why doesn't she go over to him instead of sitting there and just waiting for him? And aren't you people just gonna bitch and moan when Paul doesn't fuck her the way you want him to? Why do you people even bother?
  14. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.
  15. And now that this has been established for the one millionth time, can people PLEASE stop crying about it?
  16. 6 am where they live and these mother fuckers are still up... host guy looks too drunk to do anything later with his girl... he's more likely to pass out in the kitchen before anything else.
  17. I hope/wonder if Dasha/Demid are watching this right now.
  18. Good lord, I'm so glad I'm not watching that right now.
  19. Yeah that's what I thought. You'll maybe get sex out of them tonight. Doubt you'll get anything out of anybody else if anybody else decides to sleep over.
  20. The couple that's dancing now in the kitchen, are they the "host" couple?
  21. Well it looks like the girl that gave the blowjob is drunk as fuck as she's dancing stupid in the kitchen right now. But I don't really know if she's the same girl. I'm only going by the similar clothes.
  22. It looks too civilized to hope for anything special tonight in terms of action.
  23. They both told me, but only because I'm a bigger creep and psychopath than everyone else. They respect that shit.
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