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Everything posted by English

  1. Hmm, Take it from the South then, Sins, Hmm What is a Sin.
  2. Ahh, Porn. I think the world over is drawn to what we call Porn. Have you ever thought about what Porn is? Porn is what we are not meant to look at, so if you tell someone not to look, what do they do - look. People like RLC make money out of it, this BBS is thriving on it. It is a part of life that for some strange reason some people are against. Perhaps they are scared of the truth about what they feel.
  3. Ahh, second chance. Indeed what would we have done differently. Hmm, not a lot.
  4. Instructions, perhaps. Do not forget, this is a website set up to make MONEY, and big style if you subscribe. In return they allow us to be Voyeurs. Yes she is a Goddess, however that is in the eye of the person looking. 40 Years ago, no, she is plain Jane, now, 40 years latter Jeez, no answer to that.
  5. Not quite what I saw, however, YES, it looks a bit like the show is put on by Command. If that is the case, why knock it, we know when to look in. At the end of the day she does have a very nice Pussy.
  6. Nope, missed that, but, can imaging. Pity she had not bought a Labrador.
  7. Yes, and it was Brilliant. The Dog, on this occasion had been purposely shut out.
  8. My interest just now is will he make love with The Guest, or just keep flirting with each other.
  9. Yea, and you could only watch Porn by downloading files from a BBS's - no streaming. The days of The Bulletin Board Services (BBS) of which I ran one called The Grail, Jeez, that bring back a lot of memories. Some good, some not. Now we have Windows 10, Apple, yes Linux is still there, and our freedom has gone as companies such as RLC monitor our every transgression. How things have changed.
  10. Hey, still it's a good capture and will get others off. I think she wanted, and I thought it was a Swallow.
  11. Apart from Windows 3.1 there has always been a screen recorder, I never thought it was hidden, you just had to know the commands or keys to activate it. I do not think there is any spying intended on MS's behalf, unlike RLC.
  12. Yes that capture, and all of the rest are BRILLIANT. I captured the entire sequence on video, and Jeez slow to start - fantastic. OOPS, there goes my RLC membership again.
  13. Yes it always appears to be between 1600 and 1800 there time.
  14. Now that is a very good point which I did not consider, the possibility of it being download then re-uploaded to another site. Now if that is the case, unless they are a complete Newbie to both RLC and CC which then I would be surprised if they were "Paid Members", then they are very unscrupulous as they should realise RLC has an extremely good chance of picking up on the post.
  15. Room is still under their name and their stuff is still lying about. Holiday perhaps?
  16. Well you Pain in the Ass Administrator your have been a lot of help. Thanks.
  17. OK I am still confused, and thanks for your patience. I uploaded two files as an attachment to a post, initially they did not appear in the post, but in the attachment centre, then they two thumbnails appeared in the post at a later point. I did not use insert image. If I had noticed they had appeared I would have tried to remove them. I appreciate it is something I did wrong and it's all my own fault.
  18. I think you may. The Male and Guest are coming on heavy as if serious flirting just now with each other.
  19. TGB 150 now has heard of someone being banned using the attachment centre. Me! Perhaps this thread should be a Sticky, if I had read it before may not have fallen into the RLC trap. Good thread, thanks.
  20. Well it arrived suddenly, played no active part, and now may have departed just as sudden, or just simply had enough.
  21. OK now I am completely confused! For the past couple of days only Carla has been in the apartment, not only Mario and the Mut appear to be there!!!! Unless I have missed a bit. What are they doing, taking turns at living in the flat?
  22. At least they appear to be on friendly to each other, nice handshake.
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