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Everything posted by jouandomy

  1. Hi West, how can I translate your sentence? Like that: "Kira my almost daughter, let's have a beer ....." Or: "Kira my kind of girl, let's have a beer ...." I'm confused with my poor English, sorry.
  2. I need this! They told me to be depilated but not shaved for my coronarography!
  3. I think it was for me personally, but I allow you to enjoy it too.😁 Yes I know, I'm too good!
  4. Yes, but this morning at 3 p.m. everything was forgiven.
  5. Is it true? (I am not on Netflix)
  6. Yes, I did. She reads "Der Funke Leben" (1952) by Erich Maria Remarque. A very serious book: Spark of Life (novel) - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  7. I mean get out! excuse my English.
  8. The network is rotten, the F5 key every 30 seconds almost! Start all from my Internet !!!😠
  9. Something tells me that Nina's dad served in the Navy.⚓️
  10. It is nice to see everyone smiling in a family meal.😃
  11. An approximate method: you divide by 100 and multiply the result by 1.5 or 1.4. 1,000,000 rubles = 10,000 x 1.5 15,000 Euros or dollars. It is false of course but it gives an idea. The good price with the very low ruble right now is: $ 13,460
  12. I have just realized that our dear friends are now the "veterans", from one forum to another, of this "reality show" of which we are spectators. I believe there is no need for further proof of their talent or courage. Go girls!
  13. Hello @StnCld316, I managed to pay the bill that was presented to me for a new Premium year. But despite this, my Premium account is still deactivated and I miss the little benefits involved. Is it possible to reactivate it please?
  14. I think I will take care of it in July if the borders are reopened ...
  15. Yes I love this little satin set!
  16. I would not like to have to pay the hairdresser. But Nina is indeed very beautiful, with this very short hair she reminds me a little of Jean Seberg ... I think that at this level of work we do not say "hairdresser" but "hairstylist"! en Français, "capilliculteur" (lol)
  17. We don't speak the same English Nina and I, especially me, but I thought I understood that the piano came back from the "hospital", healed and without Covid 19. Is this correct? (my level in English is deplorable).
  18. And yes, Kira confirmed to me that she was at work today. But I believe that after she joined the musicians ...
  19. Yes of course, my unfinished sentence was only a "style effect". But these birds / cats meetings are not good at all for my heart or my nerves, I tremble every time.
  20. But there is also Kira's work, maybe that requires a little discretion. And I told her three days ago, when she has used it, that somebody could be able to register her MasterCard numbers.
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