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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. They fixed it. This is exhibit A why I hate chat on this site. Someone probably noted it was out when they were on chat last night but never posted it on the message board. RLC probably saw the post this morning and fixed it.
  2. I've had a subscription to RLC almost a year. I've seen them shut down different apartments for all kinds of reasons.I can't speak to Irma and Anna because I don't remember that. Some time ago Nina & Kira had a huge party and they shut off the cameras for the party. I think turning them off at 11:30 at night is something to bitch about because I just don't think a new girl is coming in that late. Maybe I'm wrong. I also don't think they would shut it off for them having sex either. I simply think they have a guest coming by who doesn't want to be on camera so they shut it down just like K&K- Sex may be a part of that but we'll never know. There really is nothing to do but wait. i'm not cancelling my subscription over this but I'm ticked off for tonight that I'm coming home from work to see an apartment that has a girl leaving in 2 days and is shut down.
  3. They might if the dudes they were bringing home didn't consent to being on camera , like the housesitter currently at K&K's apartemnt
  4. This is hysterical watching Danaya packing for Aida. Vika is watching. Both Danaya and Vika are naked
  5. RLC as a whole has been pretty boring this weekend. N&B at Dasha's leaves the N&B apartment empty. No Carla. No interesting visitors except maybe M&S. The new couple is fun to watch when they are there but they are barely there. RLC was on fire last week but this weekend not so much
  6. You hope RLC has someone lined up to move in between when both of them leave. Vika has been great but I don't want to see her all alone for a few days
  7. The short blond friend is cleaning the entire bathroom. N&K seems to be sorting clothes around the bedroom. Spring cleaning or are N&K going away for a few days and the short blond will house sit?
  8. And to make this day a little worse, Dasha's pretty blond friend just left. I was hoping she'd stay the weekend
  9. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    I'm just thinking on a group party before you could have one camera getting a view of the overall main kitchen/Living room area. Now it's almost a split room. You can't get the living and dining areas in one shot (they could shift cam 5 a little to the right-but you might lose some of the couch). I noticed Jackie finally showed up after most of the apartment setup was complete. Way to help out.
  10. Different pretty blond guest in the bath now. You people are nuts wanting to get rid of them just because you don't like Demid.
  11. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    The new Tver apartment is online.. First impression-Yuck!...Looks like one shower only that has a curtain. Certainly not nearly as open in the living room space as opposed to the old apartment.
  12. Aida and Vika have decided to head to the beach. Danaya is going to lie in bed all day and let depression overtake her. It's sad to watch and i wish they would send her home.
  13. Aida has been filling the bath but has been so preoccupied with the phone that she was letting the tub overfill. Danaya came in to the bathroom, gave a dirty look and shut it off
  14. These two are the most painful getting the bath ready... Light the candles, get food, talk on the phone, get more candles, get drinks, talk on the phone some more.. It's almost an hour.
  15. This was fantastic.. A little tipsy, flinging bubbles at each other. They overflowed the bath but Vika is now cleaning it up. It's nice to see Aida happy.
  16. I don't want them to go. One thing about them is they continually supply a number of various guests, Last summer they brought a hot blonde named Yuliya who stayed over a number of weeks. You can argue that we have Nelly and Bogdan and Masha and Sasha indirectly or directly because of them. They go away fairly often and they do a good job of bringing various couples to housesit. I'm very willing put up with their behavior as long as they continue to supply the parties and guests.
  17. UGH....Vika is wearing a one piece. They are bathing together so Aida put on a bikini..
  18. looks like we got one who's gonna wash in the downstairs washroom
  19. . You would think RLC would tell a new couple to hang around the apartment for a couple hours when they first turn the cameras on.
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