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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. All I know is they didn't cave in that walk In closet
  2. They went out probably to the spa or shopping. They weren't dressed to go clubbing. Aida had a fairly long friendly conversation with Danaya but there's still major friction with Adele
  3. M&S having sex in the living room.. The angles are hideous.. Either move the couch into the shot or fix the camera.
  4. Hector and Suzan are having sex and the two bald guys are hanging by the bedroom door listening to Suzan moan. Hector just kicked them out of the hallway
  5. The guest couple just came back, picked up all of their belongings and left. Possibly N&B return tonight or tomorrow. Or Efim returns. Or we see a third couple. Who knows?
  6. it looks like it's another group of people hanging out and drinking while D&D are out day
  7. She's just disappointing. He's tried from time to time but in general she just shuts him down by staring into the computer. Yesterday there was a moment where she let him help change her bra in the bedroom while the guy and 2 girls were hanging out. When they left, he was interested but she quickly set herself up behind the computer for the next few hours and shut him down. I have to think she's showering offsite too. Bring back Efim and the GF.
  8. Anna's bath has been amusing.. She's gone through about a half a pack of cigarettes and has been visited by Val, David, Nelly and Jacky at various times to smoke. Between that she sang about 4 or 5 songs. She's has a really pretty face but is just too slight to me to make a difference if you were considering between renewing and not renewing.
  9. This night just seems like it's going to be Anna and Akira and Jacky and Val... Anna and Val performed stripteases on each other, then they were about to have sex and Jacky broke it up. Anna even put the night table against the door and Jacky still barged in.. Now Jacky seems to be following Val's every move and Anna's in conversation with Akira on the couch.
  10. The guy Jacky was banging left this morning. Val is the new guy with the backwards hat.
  11. The redhead (and couple) has been at a lot of N&B's parties. In the past couple days there she hasn't showered and they haven't had sex. Now they have a couple girls and a guy over now probably to smoke that pipe. She did unpack a bag in the bedroom so they might be here at least a week
  12. Aida's bath was an improvement.. Stood up to shower and was more sideways then back to the cameras. Then dropped the towel in her room.. i think she'll be fine
  13. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    AKira is visiting Tyer
  14. They are starting in Nina's bedroom... Nikky is lying next to them
  15. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    On the first living room cam, Ivo just put the video on the tv screen to view the ceremony. You really had to put it on full screen to view. They haven't released it to VV yet. I noticed someone was recording it so it might be in archives soon
  16. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    They just played the wedding video.. It looks like they had maybe 10-12 guests including the VV people .. I think Ivo's parents were there but I didn't notice any of Sonia's family members.
  17. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    Well Petra's back and the Poker dude is over in Tver.. Jacky & David back in Voro.. ZZZZZZZZZ... They need new blood or a new villa soon
  18. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    Nikki looks like she will be there a few days, She brought a suitcase.
  19. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 4

    Apparently Ivo and Sonia are getting married tomorrow according to the twitter feed.. VV is planning on filming it and putting it in the records archive.
  20. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 3

    So they were having sex with the door open and the big crew walked in? And then a fight happened? I hope someone was recording.
  21. This new guest is as useful as a poop lollipop. She follows the other 2 like a lost puppy when they are there and sits like a lump when they are out
  22. This isn't over. that moron just went into the bedroom and tore up one of Zoya's shirts
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