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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Yeah I don't care about the masks, payments, etc.. I only care when they cover the cams
  2. Do you realize the Eastern US has many nights where by 6 pm when people with day jobs arrive home from work most of the houses are in bed or going to bed . For once we got a live show
  3. Geez the nastiness to Alan is ridiculous. I think I’m reading the reaction to the guys at the RLC Barcelona all girl apartments.
  4. Maybe they should have waited a few days to repeat this show
  5. Just so long as Natty gets the same professional treatment
  6. Nah still going. Natty is kissing everyone in the room right now
  7. Smoke break time. Natty seems to be more interested in the sunflower seeds than the game. Candy had to give Dean a bj for a bit. Candy is topless and Stewie and Dean are already naked.
  8. Nick that’s Darcie. Not Dean and Candy. Wrong apartment
  9. Yeah at this point I hope they all pass out in one drunk naked pile for Axel to find
  10. drunk wet naked and playing cards stuck to them
  11. awful spot for that table ..even worse the guest girl is sitting on the other side
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