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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Maybe something is happening tonight.. They are cleaning up a little bit and balding guy finally got dressed. Stella still seems to be AWOL though-Nevermind Stella just arrived
  2. yeah 10, 11 and 12 should be right next to 13,14,15 and a another split is needed. But I also think there's a room next to 19 that needs a camera
  3. who's confirming that? here is 4:30am on their clock today
  4. Aurora and Azura left. The new girl has brought an array of leather and vinyl sexy clothing
  5. The girl on the couch did a couple shows with Stella. Evi and Alan did cam shows the week Stella was away and the balding guy appears to be the tech/show runner I wonder if the party they suggested will happen today. Stella is nowhere to be found and it seems that place is in a disheveled state for a party today.
  6. Nina has returned and Alan is back too
  7. I'd really like a map soon to this apartment but I think so far Based on the hall cam 9 - to the left is the bathroom cam 20 , those stairs lead to the guestroom 19 , that door leads to Stella and Stephen's room. 16,17,18 Looking out of camera 3 living room- closest door on the right in Alan and Evi's room 13,14,15 The next door leads to the "fun zone" room 10,11,12 which is probably labeled the fun zone because the balding guy is sleeping there. The arch way on the right side leads to the hall cam 9, the door on the left side is the entrance. The arch in the back leads to the lounge 6,7, 8 and behind the lounge is the kitchen 1,2 One last thing. i haven't figured out where the toilet is.
  8. This morning we get plumbing in your underwear- Thankfully there's no crack
  9. I agree, The living room is the big issue. But looking at that room I'm not sure there are too many places to get cameras different from what we see that won't seem far away . . I guess you could add one or two behind each side of the couch to get the full couch closeup . The guestroom could use a second camera too. The other rooms themselves are pretty good for the size
  10. I think they have the clocks wrong. It’s 4:30 on the clocks yet there’s daylight lighting up the living room. I think it’s still GMT+5
  11. At the risk of angering the Alan haters, Alan is over hanging out with Kira
  12. I’m actually happy about this. I’m off Friday for Good Friday and can watch live now
  13. The more I watch Kira the more I appreciate her. Horny as hell.. She will basically have sex with anyone she can get her hands on, and she seems to have an unlimited supply of girls to play with
  14. Ugh. Kayla goes to take a shower. Suddenly the camera doesn’t load for a full minute so we miss her strip. By the time it comes back she’s mostly behind the shower curtain
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